Monday, April 8, 2024

The Yellow Wallpaper - a short story review

 When you think about yellow wallpaper do you think about female hysteria cures? Now you will. Today I'm reviewing a short suspense story about a woman dealing with depression. Her "cure" was to do nothing at all at home. Let's dive in. 

Courtesy of

The basic, overall plot is this; a woman dealing with postpartum depression is given the "cure" of staying home and doing nothing, only to start losing her mind and seeing the wallpaper come to life. It is so much more than that, but there are your cliff notes. If you want more context see the video below. If you don't care about historical context (but you really should), go straight to my review. 

The Review

Five out of five. It is literally fifteen pages and one page of introduction in my copy. It's a pamphlet of a story published in 1892 when the "rest cure" was common. The author went through the rest cure, decided she'd had enough, then gave it up. She wrote this and sent it to the physician who suggested it. He amended his cure as a direct result. The alternate title should be "Why We Always Listen To Women". 

The characters are Jennie (the housekeeper and John's sister), John (the husband) and our main character secretly journaling. She has a child, but a woman named Mary is caring for it while she is ill. Our main character sleeps during the day, stares at the wallpaper at night, and cries often. She is dealing with depression after just having a child. Her husband is no help and says she's making it up. The lack of stimulation leads her to observe the wallpaper and see a trapped woman shake what seems to be bars, as in prison or jail bars, within the wallpaper. 

Let's pause at the woman behind the wallpaper real quick. She sees this woman more clearly as she becomes more restless and is left alone more often. Her husband is a horrible husband who infantilizes her like she is a child. He makes the marriage about him. She's supposed to be better for his sake, her child's sake, and then her sake. She's put last in the marriage. Imagination is put down like it is something only for children. Funnily enough, the bedroom with the wallpaper was a nursery. The story claims he's gotten irritable and kind of cross. She tries to say her ideas and he says they are not good, silencing her from speaking her mind. In my opinion, the woman behind the wallpaper represents her, trapped in a marriage and a mental state of distress and depression, seemingly with no way out.

Now we get to the end, where she goes way off the deep end, or so it seems. If you watched the video above you'll know what Books 'n' Cats has to say about the ending. You didn't? Go ahead and watch it. I'll wait. Now that you've checked that out, let's continue. The deep end of this mental pool is her becoming the woman behind the wallpaper. She "frees" the woman in the wallpaper by ripping down the wallpaper, all of it and not one strip remaining. She locks her husband out, throws the key out the into the garden, and makes him go get it. 

I'm with Books 'n' Cats in this regard. This is the first time she has put herself first and put her husband second (if you don't count her fascination with the wallpaper). She not only locks him out, but talks to him like he is a child. She's explaining where the key is over and over as if he is a child.  She calls him "young man". She creeps around on the floor giving no crap whatsoever and tells him she's free despite him and "Jane". Some say this is a misprint and should be Jennie, but some say our main character is Jane. She's freed herself from herself in some respects. Is she a little unhinged? No doubt. Humans need stimulation and she was denied that for too long. Is she finally free of caring what John thinks? No doubt about it. She gives no craps about him. She tells him he can't put her back. She pretty much gave him an industrial middle finger by talking to him like he was a child and making him unlock the door so he could find her handiwork. The ending can be seen as both empowering and disturbing. He faints. 

Odd Things To Note

We see that the wallpaper leaves stains on clothes and smells bad. Why is this important? I know it was here for some reason. I did my due diligence. It turns out that Victorian wallpaper could be deadly. We know she and others were touching the wallpaper, including John and Jennie. John got irritable to the point of our main character being a bit scared of him. She and John, and even Jennie (who also gets a bit scared of John) may have inhaled the chemicals of the coloring in the wallpaper. It would explain a lot. Yes, symbolism, is really important in this, but I'd be stupid not to talk about the literal side of it, too. The smell shows up in their clothing. She notes it. Those pretty colors of wallpaper included arsenic in the ingredients list. Oops. 

Now, to be fair, Sheele's Green is technically the color that caused the most harm. The bright yellow also included arsenic and we see that here in the main character's room. It could cause illness due to the arsenic in the wallpaper- particularly in damp rooms. Our main character talks about damp weather and then mentions the smell becoming obvious on everything. Dry wallpaper released flakes into the air and damp wallpaper (like the damp weather described by our main character) released poisonous gas. 

It is also mentioned in the story that the nursery room that became their bedroom was a hot mess and the bed was looking rough. Did the kids react to the wallpaper, the notorious wallpaper that killed many children? The wallpaper had torn over the bed. There was a case of kids licking wallpaper after they tore it down, so it isn't out of the ordinary that they got this beautiful house because of tragedy. Kids wasted away until they died in rooms like this. Our main character felt so weak she only slept and lay down. She does mention that it was strange how they got such a large house so easily and no one wanted it. Did a child die of licking arsenic wallpaper? It's possible. And our main character was weak and ill - for real - so let's not forget that her husband should have listened and taken down the paper. Or better yet, moved them to the room she wanted to sleep in. Novel idea, listening to women. John should have taken note. I'll note that John also gave her lots of tonics, and even they could include arsenic in small doses. Oops again. Did I mention that our main character had a bad feeling about that house, as in maybe sensing the death of the kids in the room? Triple oops. I'm almost sure our main woman will die soon of arsenic poisoning. 

Want more information on toxic wallpaper? Remodeling a house from the 1800s or earlier? Check out this link courtesy of The Smithsonian. I'd take down any gaudy, bright wallpaper if I were you. Or at least get it checked out before you live in the room. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.

Monday, April 1, 2024

How To Clean Your Bookshelves

 I am a book dragon. I need to go through my bookshelves and make some hard decisions. I have picked up books and don't know if they are my vibe. I've gotten books that are not on my bucket list, only to not read them. Let's talk about great ways to clean your bookshelves as I go through the lengthy process of cleaning mine. 

Courtesy of

Fellow book dragons, we need to take a hard look at our shelves every few years (or months if you are constantly buying or picking up books). It'll be tough, but you'll make it. Here are a few ways to do this. 

I'll talk about three main ways I go through my stash of books, then go into what I found on other methods. Some are reading challenges. Ready?

How I Do It

The first attempts at cleaning out your shelf can be little by little, like doing the read-it-or-unhaul-it challenge. Put your books on an Excel sheet or list (numbered), pick a number using a random generator (or state a number at random yourself), and then read it. If you hate it, it leaves. If you like it, it stays. You weed out the stuff you won't ordinarily pick up by doing this every once in a while. You'll thank yourself for making more space (for books you love). I do three books at a time. You can do anywhere between 1 and however many you want. This makes me think when I pick up a book. If I won't read it I don't pick it up. I don't want a book I dread on my 'unread' Excel sheet. 

The one-shelf challenge is picking one random shelf (whatever method works for you on picking a shelf - your call) and reading as much as you can, from that shelf alone, in a period of time you set for yourself. It might be a month, or a week, or two weeks, or three weeks. whatever you want. The point is to clean out that shelf of books you haven't read yet. 

Do you want a time-consuming, but much needed, clean-up? Here's what I am doing. I determined to make two piles - donate and second chance - while going through every shelf. I put the immediate 'donate' books in a pile first (duplicates, what I know I won't reference...). Then, I went through shelf by shelf putting the 'second chance' books in a pile and reading them to weed out the good from the donatable. I'm blogging my process, but I don't know if I'll be done with this lengthy process by the time this posts. By the end, I'll have more space for books I love and adore. 

How Others Do It suggests laying out all your books on the floor (most likely shelf by shelf in small spaces), sorting them between genres or authors while determining what has sentimental value, and purging your books of what you won't read. Any books with mold need to hit the trash can, but books in good condition can be donated to small bookstores, libraries, and friends. Rare books are worth keeping or selling to small bookstores. 

They suggest the guidelines below:

1. If you haven't read it in 2 or 3 years you probably won't.
2. Don't love it? Then don't keep it. 
3. Won't reread it? Then don't keep it. 

Homes and Gardens suggests organizing all your books in one zone, factoring in how much storage space you have in your home. Another way to organize your books is to put them in categories (author, genre, favorites, kid-friendly, adult-friendly...). Weeding out duplicates is also a great way to clear space for more. While clearing out books and doing the dreaded book purge, it helps to set rules and stick to them. Maybe your rules are not someone else's rules. That is totally okay. It is your shelf to enjoy. Be realistic about what books you wish you read and actually read. Sometimes you pick up a classic because you plan to read it and never find the will to. 

After the dreaded purge, it is highly suggested that you put your true favorites back first and set aside the books you plan to read soon. Think about what you want digitally, as well. Digital files don't take up physical space. When the donate pile is in a bag, out of your footpath, make sure you know where they are going. Make the donate station plan before purging or you'll be tripping over it for months or weeks. 

Margery Bayne talks about weeding books using skills she collected (she's a librarian). The first consideration is how often you pick the series or book up to read it. On the flip side, the other way of asking this question is asking what books you don't want to pick up. The second consideration is whether something is out-of-date (like reference books or books that don't apply to you anymore). Thirdly, what books are you showing off to make yourself look smart? Showing off here means you haven't read it and maybe never will. It isn't the cover art of your favorite book; it is more likely a classic. Fourth, if you feel guilty getting rid of it get rid of it. Fifth, take into account whether something is rare or commonly replaceable and reprinted. Sixth, if it doesn't spark joy it should leave. 

Niki Hawkes proposes a challenge, her "overflowing bookshelf challenge". It is specifically for chronic book-buyers who don't read all their collection. The goal is to read what you have. It can be relaxed, intense, or somewhere between. Three mini-challenges can organize the concept if you don't know where to start. 

1. booking buying ban challenge
You must read 3 (or whatever number you determine) books for every 1 you bring home. There is a page count version (1500 pages per 1 book). 

2. borrowing ban challenge
Same idea as challenge 1, but you read 3 (or a determined number) books or 1500 pages for every 1 book borrowed. 

3. book hoarding challenge
You must get rid of 2 (or a determined number) of books for every book you bring home. 

4. book-end challenge
This is for the ones who have the first of a series all over the shelves. Line them up from longest to shortest owned. Read what you bring home and the oldest books first. 

5. FBR Challenge Masher
Choose any challenge at all and try to do as much of it as possible using only owned books. 

6. Book Pledge challenge
Decide how many books you'll read in a given time frame and track your progress.

Book Riot has advice on weeding books, too. The all-at-once option is setting aside an entire weekend or days of time. Start where the fewest books live and go to the most books location. Sort into the categories below.

1. Never read it      2. liked it, would loan out   3. liked it, no big impression  4. not sure if read
5. haven't read it    6. I have to keep it

Make your stacks, label them, and go from shelf to shelf doing this with no second glances. Put the stacks by the door (except stack 5 and 6). Stacks 5 and 6 go back on the shelves. Maybe keep stack 2 if you feel like it. If you want to try out stack 4 for second chances do so. 

The little-by-little method is not so intensive. Determine where you put the donation pile (where you won't trip on it). Go through shelves every few weeks. If you don't think "They will pry it from my cold, dead hands" put it on the pile. This is also great for maintaining a shelf that you cleaned out.

Courtesy of Huffington Post


Some of us look at our books and want to give things a second chance. How do I know if I don't try it? This is what I'm doing. Read-or-unhaul challenges are great for this concept of book decluttering. You can also be cutthroat about it if you are going through years of books you haven't touched. Your choice on method, your choice on how long it will take. Whether you have no space and need to or you feel your books are not appealing to you anymore, try some of the methods. Feel free to comment what you think about them. Cheers!


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


Monday, March 25, 2024

Good, Quick Reads

 Do you need a few quick books to read? Do you want a good story and only have a week of vacation time to read books? Let's talk about quick reads that are good books. 

Courtesy of

First, we need to establish what "quick" means. Some people could read a large fantasy novel in one day and sitting. I am an avid reader. I can read fast. If you can barely read a 200-page book keep in mind I can read a 400-page book in one day. This measuring stick will help you understand what I call "quick". I'll also say my favorite books are quick reads because I don't stop reading them for more than a bathroom break when I pick them up. Time loses meaning. An hour feels like five minutes. 

I'm defining "quick" reads as books that can be read in two days or less. I'll start with the longest and move toward the shortest. I'm going by page numbers to keep a consistent measurement of length. You'll notice that the numbers are an average and not exact. Every book here is a series or by the same author, and thus, may vary in length.

Your standard of "good" may be different than mine. That is totally okay. I love mysteries, adventures, and romances - usually all mixed together. Keep my preferences in mind as you read down this list. If I don't match yours it is totally okay. We can have different favorites. Everyone has a different genre of choice or favorite author. These just happen to be mine. 

NUMA files and Isaac Bell (400 to 520 pages)

Courtesy of eBay
These series are both by Clive Cussler and a co-author. Now it may only be a co-author. Cussler himself passed away in 2020. Authorship aside, these series include a team of people we follow, with one or two main people we focus on. 

NUMA files is about Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala running missions for NUMA (National Underwater and Marine Agency). His team of people kick butt in an action-adventure series that focuses on water and boating, as well as history and plots to cause major disasters. It's like James Bond combined with experienced sailors. 

Isaac Bell is set in the 1900s and involves a detective agency. We follow everyone but focus on Isaac Bell. It has even more history-mystery to it. It takes historical figures and events, blends them into the whimsical adventure, and still has the same feel as the NUMA files I love. 

Like what you hear? Let me give you a comprehensive list of both series. 

Jules Verne Novels (430 ish pages)

Courtesy of GameSpot

These are not new by any means. You've got Around The World In 80 Days, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (beware of a thousand fish species names, but otherwise great), and Journey To The Center Of  The Earth as highlights, but there are more. I bought a whole set on a whim. The longest in the set is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea and the rest are much shorter. Easy reads and a fun adventure for all ages. Aside from way too many genus and species of fish (and I do mean far too many) this man's books read like great travel journals. The Storyline is mostly a few characters going on a journey of some form. Something unexpected happens. Generally, it ends well. 

If this sounds like a fun time, check out the link below to get the whole list of his books. I only have a set of five. I think they'd take up a full two shelves or three to have all his works. 

In Death Series by JD Robb (around 400 pages)

Courtesy of
The In Death series is by JD Robb (Nora Roberts) about a female police detective (Eve Dallas) in a mid-21st century world. It takes place in New York and sometimes off-planet. It is a futuristic world with lots of technology. There is also lots of sex between our main character and the man she marries. I'm telling you now so it isn't a shock when you come upon steamy scenes. Don't read this to your kids. It is also a heinous crime series (think Women's Murder Club with more sex and future tech). You'll see sexual and serial killer crimes over and over again. 

I'll say it again for those who only skimmed that paragraph. If you don't like serial killers, heinous crimes, and sex in your fiction you shouldn't pick this up. It isn't as graphic as some books can get, but all the same, I'd make sure you don't give this to your children on a whim. I am reading this as an adult and it is not meant for children. 

On the other hand, if you like what you heard in that description (no judgment for reading dirty suspense), I have the link to the entire series here. There are a lot. 

Women's Murder Club (400 pages)

Courtesy of
If you would like the book above set in modern times and with slightly less sex, you get Women's Murder Club. Still has sex in it, but a few times less. Lindsay Boxer is a police detective in San Francisco with a lawyer friend, a friend working in the morgue, and a reporter friend. One of her friends is killed off in the third book. Basically, these women maintain friendships and help each other solve the crimes. It is still dealing the heinous crimes. It is not a cozy mystery. 

I'll say the same thing for this book as I did the other; this is not what you hand a small child. I may have read this as a gifted reader in junior high, but that doesn't mean I understood everything. I skipped scenes because of sex, read the book again in adulthood, and realized I skipped serious plot points. Yes, I read this in junior high, but I don't think the target demographic is that age. High school or above are good to read this book in my opinion. It isn't In Death with steamy scenes. Use your own judgment and read it first if you don't quite know who it is meant for. 

You know the drill by now. Here's the link to the series. 

Bridgerton Series (400 pages)

Courtesy of
You probably live under a rock if Bridgerton is not a name you know. It's either that or you don't have Netflix. The series on Netflix began as a series of books. There are even spinoffs to the original books because they were so loved. The original series is 8 books. There are 8 kids to marry off, so that makes sense. We get the pleasure of reading about the Bridgerton clan, an established and powerful family with 8 kids. The year is 1812 (from the first book at least) and Mrs. Bridgerton is sending her kids into the world to marry. The best part of the books has to be seeing them in their married life. We don't end with the wedding here - oh no - we show their marital struggles. 

Be aware this is not a clean romance series. Don't expect it to be. While it isn't steamy scenes on every page, it isn't what I'd read to a child. The series vibe is basically what the Netflix series vibe shows. Sex happens. It isn't on every page, but it isn't glossed over in one sentence. 

Assuming you are okay with a few sex scenes and you like seeing characters with real depth in romance novels, here's the link to the entire series - with spinoff titles as a bonus. 

Phillip Marlowe Series (380 pages)

Courtesy of

I've talked about this series before. It is much like the James Bond series, in the way that publishers have continued it through varied authors. Raymond Chandler is not the only author now. He started it, died midbook (Poodle Springs), and it has continued since. Poodle Springs was continued by another author around chapter four and you can't tell. I'm going to link to my overview of Philip Marlowe here.

To put things simply, Philip Marlowe is a noir-era private detective and was written for magazines early on. YouTube has radio broadcasts uploaded. These are legitimate radio dramas that last one hour long (with some parts cut short when compared to the book). If you like Noir-style detectives you'll love Marlowe and his witty, sarcastic comebacks. 

James Bond Series (300 pages)

Courtesy of

Do I have to tell you who James Bond is? Do I really? I think you already know. 007 is not an obscure movie series. It is, also, an extremely successful book series. Ian Fleming may have died, but his series on 007 never did. There are modern Bond novels out there. If you start from the beginning of Bond (Fleming) and move outward in time you'll get a good feel for who Bond is and his history. It's worth it.

Let me be plain. Ian Fleming was sexist and it shows in his writing. This was written in the 50s and 60s. You, reader, shouldn't be shocked to see moments that make you cringe. There are terms used then that can't be used now. That applies to every time period and will apply to our current time eventually. Some things age well and some select moments aged like milk. Modern writers dropped the sexism like it was poison. I think I understand why. All the same, seeing the original Bond is worth reading past the sexist moments. 

If you want to experience Bond as the books have written him and compare the movies to the books (not the same), here is the link to the whole series. 

Agatha Christie Mysteries (240 pages)

Courtesy of The Cheat Sheet
Agatha Christie is considered the queen of suspense. She's amazing and wrote mysteries. Her mysteries are often hard to solve just by reading the book for clues. She died in 1976. There was a point where she faked her disappearance for days and never said what she'd done in that time. She dumped her cheating husband soon after. Some people think she'd gone into some depressive haze because her marriage was going south. 

Agatha aside, her books are brilliant. English mysteries found their standard in her books. Two main characters (each a series of their own) are famous. Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple are the two characters that took off. Poirot was a detective from Belgium who continued because he made her money. She killed him off in the last book so no one could use him. Miss Marple is an elderly woman who solves mysteries by listening to her friends and neighbors, while still gardening despite her knees. Eventually, she just complains about the man who does her gardening for her because she can't do it. 

I'd highly suggest her mysteries if you like BBC TV shows. If you like the David Suchet Poirot or the Miss Marple series pick up the books. They are all great. 

Phryne Fisher (235 pages)

Courtesy of

A 1920s-era flapper solving mysteries may interest you. Hon. Phryne Fisher is an English woman living in Australia and working as a private detective. She's rich. She has servants and adopted daughters who help her solve her cases. She tends to pick up lost souls and she gives them a home working for her. She tends to sleep around. They call her a vamp in 1920s terms. She isn't a saint, but she's an excellent detective. 

If you wanted to know if this had sex in it, the answer is yes. In comparison to In Death, it is rather glossed over. It's vague. It isn't the focus of the plot. Only one lover actually sticks around for several books. Phryne becomes his concubine (I know, weird, but it is there). 

Annie's Unraveled Mysteries (230 pages)

Courtesy of

This is a cozy mystery with some edge to it. Annie's put out some cozy mysteries and this one is focused on a woman who moved to Texas. She's putting out crochet books and making custom projects for work. She blogs and deals with her past trauma of her ex-husband. Kate Stevens stumbles upon several mysteries, including one that makes her a prime suspect (first book). She gets close to a police detective named Peter. I love it. The mysteries themselves have an edge to them. One has Kate being kidnapped. Another has her finding a body under Azalia bushes. It doesn't make it uncozy. It gives suspense lovers a cozy mystery to enjoy. 

Nancy Drew (200 pages)

Courtesy of

Nancy Drew is a teen girl solving mysteries in the town of River Heights and beyond. Her story began around 1930 and hasn't stopped since. They are still writing Nancy Drew mysteries under the name Carolyn Keene. She's been ghost-written for years. The same people published Hardy Boys novels. The two have been tied to each other for years. When you see Nancy, the Hardy boys aren't far behind. 

I could go on forever. The series isn't just one series. It is several by now. It can be found in the children's section or the teen section. All ages can read this series. While that isn't true for everything on my shelf, it is true for my Nancy Drew Collection. 

Nancy Drew is courageous, tenacious, and can do anything. She's what many women wanted to be in 1930 and today. I look up to Nancy as a hero in fiction. 


I wrote a book (and I'm told it's a quick read)! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Book Review - Argylle by Elly Conway

 After going to a movie with some friends, I picked up Argylle by Elly Conway. It is going to be a series. I am reviewing the book, so whether the movie itself matches the book is irrelevant. 

Courtesy of Apple

We all know movies take liberties, frequent liberties on books. This one is no exception. I'm going to say it now - I loved the movie. It may even connect to The Kingsman. Whether the book does this or not is still irrelevant. I'm reviewing the book for what is in the book. It inspired the movie and not the other way around. The book couldn't have better marketing and the movie did it a massive favor by giving it public acknowledgement. The movie is based on the concept ideas for book four (not released or written) and the second movie that is coming will be based on the first book. 

For the record, the book plot does not match the movie plot. I'm saying it right now so you don't expect the movie to match the book. It is the adventure of Agent Argylle. It does not discuss the author and the author bio is probably what inspired the movie the most. The bio includes a dark photo with no real face to speak of and a vague description saying she wrote it while working as a waitress. Nothing more is written on the author. Rumors fly that it is Taylor Swift, but I don't think that is correct. This may be a Lemony Snicket situation (pen names are more common than you think). While we know who Lemony Snicket is, only time will tell with this author. 

Courtesy fo Audible

The Review

This had my attention from the prologue. I couldn't wait to finish it (and not just because I said I'd review it). We start with Aubrey Argylle living a life that is not a secret agent in Thailand. He is giving tours in the mountains and comes upon a DEA helicopter that was shot down. He saves the lives of at least two of them through creative means and later gets visited by someone who is not who they say they are. From there things heat up. He has to leave because he meddled with Thai drug dealer affairs by saving those people in the helicopter. He's invited into intelligence work and takes them up on the offer because he has nothing. 

Another part of the plot is a man named Federov running for Russian politics. He's promised to find the amber room and fixated on some bracelet. In the prologue, his wife is forced to wear it in public despite her distaste for it. He bought it at an auction when the plot goes back a bit - for five million dollars. This whole thing is clearly important. They alternately focus on Federov and the team Argylle is placed in. It is a race to the amber room, for the most part, aside from the search for a traitor amongst Argylle's teammates. 

I will not spoil the ending or the traitor. I will not tell you about the epilogue. You must read it yourself to get that information. I had a blast reading this. I believe you will, too, provided spy novels are your jam. Just so you can get an overview of my reading tastes, most of my collection is suspense, spy thrillers, romances, thrillers in general, romantic suspense, and cozy mysteries. If you like James Bond or Clive Cussler you'll love this. It is like they combined the two (history and spy work). 

Courtesy of

Is It Overhyped?

This is a question I asked before reviewing this. There are two camps for reviews - one being "overhyped" and the other being "5 stars". I give it 5 stars. Ultimately, many might have thought they were "reading" the movie. Don't make that mistake. You are not. This is the first of at least four books. This is three books ahead of the movie you saw in theatres. Keep that in mind when you open this cover and get to reading. The movie is not the book. 

People ask this question because this book is being promoted by a movie. The same question applies to books going viral on TikTok or books that get massive publicity (can't get better than a movie being an ad for your book). Sometimes books are overhyped (Fourth Wing and other examples can be seen by book reviewers on Youtube). Sometimes a book is just that good. In this case, it is just that good. Give it a chance. Pick it up. 

If you would like to try it out, I have provided the Amazon link here for Argylle. Happy reading!


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Preview of coming attractions

 I realize some of my blog posts are quite random. Some of them are fluff that keeps the blog going while I work on other projects (like reading books to review). Today I'm giving you some blog topics to look forward to in the future. Ready?

Lately, I've been on a book-reviewing kick because it tends to work out well for views. Also, I like the books I'm reading and pick them myself. I will take suggestions for book reviews if you have any, though. At this time (I don't know when) I plan to review Alice In Wonderland and Jane Eyre. They are toward the end of my TBR and I'm not rushing to get there. I intend to enjoy the books I read. When I get there the review will show up. 

I also wanted to explain my process when it comes to reviewing books. Between both works, my hobbies, my novel writing, and life in general I do still have time to read. But I still have to keep in mind the size of the book and how much time I have to play with that day. I try to get the book finished quickly when I'm using it for blog content, though. Even so, it does take some time. 

Read-it-or-unhaul-it challenges are easier. Why? Because I expect to not finish some of the books. This challenge brings the free romances I impulsively downloaded into full view. What I picked up at a library sale and abandoned shows up in the unread options. I have no qualms with DNFing (Do Not Finish) a book while reading for this challenge. It is more than possible at least one will be a dud or leave my library for being only okay. 

I may or may not be going through my shelves because I am a book dragon who needs more space. That's right, I need help from more than the read-it-or-unhaul-it challenge. I can't find space for some of my books. I was inspired by the one shelf challenge from Emily Fox. If I decide to do this, it will show up on my blog. I may even show a before-and-after photo of my shelves. It'll be a shelf-by-shelf process. I intend to try out books before I donate them (unless they are, for real, unwanted). Should I decide to undertake this time-consuming task you'll see the before and after. 

Courtesy of

Bottom Line

Long story short, I intend to review two more books, do multiple read-it-or-unhaul-it challenges, and clean my bookshelves. If you have suggestions for books you want my review of, put them in the comments section for me to see. Cheers!


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Legends about redheads

Is your redhead a mythical being? No, probably not, but there are some interesting myths about red hair that might be fun to look at. Let's jump in.

 Courtesy of Pinterest

To have red hair can mean many things. You might be a Weasley. You might be a witch. You might be Irish or have Viking heritage. Most likely, your parents both have dark hair or red hair. It is rare to have red hair, but we often carry the genetics for it. I know a lot of people who do. 

Today I thought it'd be fun (while I read Argylle and write my review - it might take some time) to explore the silly and ridiculous myths about redheads. I pulled up at least three lists from Google and went through the most interesting ones. I did do some fact-checking, but feel free to double-check my work. 

The Myths

Red hair marked you as a witch from the 1400s into the 1700s. To make matters so much worse, they killed thousands of redheads, stripping them to find a mark of the devil (literally could be a freckle so anyone Irish is doomed). Having red hair meant you "stole hell's fire" and you had to be burned at the stake. Eventually, this madness ended. Some thought the mark of Cain was red hair. 

Want to be a vampire? You allegedly can if you are a redhead and you die. That means all the Weasleys should be the undead after they die, my husband should be a vampire after he dies, and many of my friends are going to be vampires by this logic. It isn't true. Ancient Greeks thought this was true. While red-haired people do often avoid sunlight (pale skin), this is not confirmed. 

Redheads have now joined the ranks of the black cats and walking under ladders with this one. They are thought to be unlucky. The British and Egyptians believed this to be true. Egyptians went as far as to sacrifice them. 
Courtesy of
On the flip side, Romans believed they were lucky and added value to redhead slaves. You paid extra for their luck. You rub a redhead's hair for luck. Poland believed that three redheads in one place meant you'd win the lottery. 

Has anyone been accused of having no soul lately? Redheads were. They were also accused of stealing souls by making eye contact. Count your freckles if you have them. That's how many souls you stole. This may connect to the first two myths. It is so ridiculous you're probably laughing. I'm pretty sure my friends have souls and haven't stolen mine. It is believed they even sold their soul to the devil to spread sin and serve the dark lord. I don't think so. 

The connection between red hair and a fiery temper can be seen in many character depictions in books and movies. It really does depend on the person with this one. I'm putting it here because it isn't true of everyone. It's a personality thing. Red is linked with passion and fire. This is a likely reason this started.
Along with a temper, redheads are believed to be more sexually charged. 

This one is a superstition. It comes from someone's grandmother. She says that redheads get stung by bees more often. Take this as you will. Maybe this connects to being unlucky. Or maybe the grandmother had a bad relationship with bees. We'll never know. I put it here because it got passed down the generations. Another one that got passed down was the belief redheads bruise more easily. More than likely, the pale skin shows bruises more easily.

Back to the weird and wacky, we have an author insisting blood of redheaded men is gold. He wrote a paint recipe for Spanish gold including that as an ingredient. His name was Theophilus Presbyter. I think he got high before writing that. 

Redheads are not going extinct. Basic genetics should tell you a recessive gene is carried. Many people carry the gene. As long as many of them reproduce we'll have redheads for years to come. They are not endangered. 

If you believe in aliens you are in luck. Apparently, redheads are alien-human hybrids. Lyrans (aliens) allegedly have fair skin, red hair, and light-colored eyes. By that definition, the aliens landed in Ireland.

If Atlantis was the next word you expected to see you'd likely be lying. Yet, the myth that redheads originated in Atlantis is here. The theory states that people who left Atlantis went to Egypt, Turtle Island, and Easter Island. There are redhead mummies found in Egypt and Peru.  

Were you conceived during someone's period while they had "unclean" sex? This was the theory about redheads in the Middle Ages, and it is coming back around some think. I expect his nonsense from the Middle Ages, though, given the lack of education that abounded. 

Don't spread your redhead aunt's ashes on a field; it could burn a fertile field alive! No, not kidding. This was believed by Egyptians, who may have also used ashes to make corn gold or red later (at least they believed it). They burned a man to the god Osiris and then spread the ashes on a field. This came from a book The Golden Bough.

A Note To Check My Facts

Courtesy of
I know the internet is not always correct. I want you to comment if you find evidence any of it is wrong. Anything wrong will be corrected. I don't expect history lists to be entirely true. False history gets spread and before we know it, we all believe a lie a century later, or even a few years later. Those history videos on YouTube - the ones that actually dig into a library and scholarly sources - have to dig through legends and stories that turn out to be lies. I may have some on here unwittingly. 

That being said, I did try to fact-check my own sources here. Did I go to a library and take hours? No, so please feel free to do your own fact-checking. I'd rather not feed the public lies. We have so many lies fed to us as it is. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


Monday, February 26, 2024

Female Gladiators?

I needed a quick blog this week and Facebook handed me a topic on a silver platter. A lot of false history hits our social media feeds, but women being gladiators - or gladiatrices to be exact - was not false. Let's dive in. 

A statue of a gladiatrice/gladiatrix - courtesy of Reddit

Keep in mind this blog won't go deep diving, thus you should dive deeper yourself if you are interested in the topic. I am introducing you to the topic because I wanted to find out if Facebook was correct. This is a quick history type of blog post. Feel free to research more. I didn't use all the information in my sources. Go ahead and peruse the links below. 

Gladiatrix or gladiatrices are women gladiators. Attempts were made to regulate it through legislation. It was not overly appreciated by Roman writers. It was criticized. Women participating in the games of Rome were not welcomed with open arms. Another name for them is Ludia (Ludi being a name for a female performer) or mulieres (women). Rarely are they named feminae (ladies). The term Gladiatrix was used in the 1800s. Despite all the controversy, there is evidence women were honored as much as the arena men. Their desires were probably for fame, money, independence, and remission of debt. 

Women's roles

Patriarchy is the word of the day. Women didn't write much in Rome and we don't have much about their experiences. Why? Because men wrote most of the history. Women were being restricted and shoved into the domestic box, with less freedoms than men and less choice. I imagine that the more conservative the home the less freedom there was. One source written by Sulpicia in the first century BC actually talks about how she was upset about not being allowed to make her own birthday plans because her uncle interfered. She still had more freedom than most women. Married women who competed were looked down upon. 

Yet, women could be gladiators? Legislation in 11 CE forbids freeborn women from entering the arena under the age of 20. This seems to suggest they could be gladiators and could make that choice for a while. In 200 CE women were outlawed from the arena entirely.  It apparently encouraged a lack of respect for women (crude jokes in the stands - some things never change). Septimus Severus also had a different motive, which was trying to discourage women from wanting to be in the Olympic games. Despite this decree, women still competed later in the third Century CE in Ostia, a port city. 

According to there was an interesting legal loophole. "The wording of the inscription specifies that Hostilianus allowed mulieres to fight, not feminae and so it may be that Hostilianus was able to get around Severus' law by some legal loophole whereby free born ladies of the upper class were still prohibited but lower-class women and female slaves could still participate in the games."

Women started in the games as fighting dwarves, sometimes at night by torchlight. Most women later moved on from this to be real gladiators. This was just the start. It was a new novelty. It got attention. Women fighting women was popular, to no one's surprise today. Nero even had women gladiators battle to honor his mother - the mother he murdered (remember, the guy that made human candles out of Christians and had garden parties to watch them suffer?).

Class had something to do with this. Again, most were slaves fighting. It made someone money to make their slaves fight. However, the elite also did the fighting. It was new and exciting. It was an act of defiance and a way to make some parents very upset. Wealthy women could afford all the training and had plenty of time to work out. Women were encouraged to be strong and do sports because they needed to pop out children. 

If you complained about the Zach Snyder Amazons, you are in for a shock. These women fought with nothing on top, helmets, shin protection, and a loin cloth. They fought people with disabilities, each other, and animals. I'm not surprised that someone noticed they got cat-called from the stands. They were an exotic show, something new and rare. The wealthy showed off by having them fight. The crude comments were one reason legislation took steps to limit their arena involvement. These women were marketed as Amazons, which is no shock based on the Roman beliefs. 

The Games Themselves

Would you believe this was a funeral-related activity? It was people re-enacting legends and life events as a tribute. Eventually, the funeral stuff fell off the agenda and people just liked it in general. Aristocrats running for office often sponsored games. This later included the emperor's birthday, coronations, and other large events. 

The first one was held in 264 BCE (funeral-related). Honorius outlawed the practice in 404 CE. Many died (animals and humans) for the sake of mere entertainment. That being said, most did not end in death. Convicted criminals may have been executed there, but most fighting were slaves, slaves trained so well they were valuable. Criminals of serious crimes were executed in the arena. Christians were thrown into the mix, too, but they were not trained and were sent there to die. 

Executions were not the games, though. Not all ended in death. They were evenly matched and fought until one person dropped their shield and weapon to surrender (by holding up one finger). After surrender the sponsor would pause the fight. The up-and-down thumb comes into play here. It may be the sponsor would do the slit-throat gesture to say the loser would die. What the sponsor could do, though, was let the loser live. More were spared than killed. If the loser was declared to die the sponsor had to compensate someone for their slave. 

Evidence points to gladiators living years. It is possible that female gladiators were daughters of retired gladiators in some cases. There were schools for gladiators in Rome. The only catch is that your life is no longer yours. You were alive to fight and train, and only that. It doesn't seem likely they'd let women into the schools, though, so the idea is that maybe the retired gladiator trained the woman or daughter. 

Four types of gladiators were trained. Myrmillo wore a helmet with a fish crest and held an oblong shield and sword. Retiarius (usually fought Myrmillo) was lightly armed with a net and had a trident or dagger. Samnite held a sword, a visored helmet, and an oblong shield. Thracian held a curved blade and a round shield. The reward for making it big in any discipline was fame, fortune, and a lifestyle most women couldn't achieve. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.
