Monday, March 27, 2023


We like to make fun of entitled people on Youtube and social media worldwide. What does entitled mean? Let's discuss.

Courtesy of Odyssey

According to the dictionary entitled means one of two things. Either you believe you inherently deserve a privilege or special treatment or are legally told you are entitled to *fill in the blank*. Better Help says this: "an unrealistic, unmerited, or inappropriate expectation of favorable living conditions and favorable treatment at the hands of others." Simply stated, you believe you should get special treatment and privileges, and you can be mistaken. 

A great example of entitlement is shown in Charlotte Dobre's Youtube channel, which constantly reacts to Reddit stories of entitled brides, grooms, and the general population. It is fun to watch, but you do need to remember real humans lived these out. We are sheep, ladies and gents. Social media will also blast these people (Karens, if you will) who do behave badly in front of store clerks, waitresses, and neighbors. In a way, society is punishing them for their off behavior and simultaneously making them a source of entertainment. Humans like to watch a good dumpster fire when it comes into view. I don't know how to feel about that, but yet again, I openly admitted to watching Charlotte Dobre's videos. 

Why Are They Entitled?

Good Question, and sometimes it comes down to getting everything they want all the time at home, only to come out into the real world and get smacked with a cold blast of reality. In this situation, they react by blowing up on other people around them. This blowup is what gets blasted on social media, including whole Reddit categories on entitlement. In other cases you'll see that someone didn't get enough of something at home, then will demand it from others. Overcompensating for the past is a way this entitlement happens, too. 

To be fair to those struggling with personality disorders, I'm going to mention that Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) do exhibit these symptoms. These are people who have serious struggles affecting relationships and human interaction. I'm not going to say every "Karen" you see mistreating someone has a disorder. I also won't neglect to mention it here, lest anyone forget that invisible illnesses are real. 

The overall effect of lashing out when you don't get what you want can come from a place of insecurity. It ends up isolating those  "Karens" from the rest of society, which doesn't lead anyone down a stable mental path. In short, you lose friends for all those times you lash out. You need those. You can spiral without mental support. 

Overcoming Entitlement

You thought I was just going to roast the entitled? Nope, I'm not. If you find you are lashing out, losing friends, and feeling convicted by my research I have some advice for you - before you get blasted all over Reddit for a neighbor dispute or bridezilla incident. 

You need to remind yourself you are a unique individual and don't need to compare yourself to others. Take some time to write out goals with steps you're willing to take to get there. Remember that if you fall down get back up. Doing it yourself comes with the satisfaction you did it. Do it because it is the right thing, not for the reward in the end.  Lastly, put yourself in their shoes and try to see their point of view, and empathize. Better Help found at this link can be of service to you, should you need to overcome this. 

Very Well Mind has some advice, too. They suggest you recognize your sense of entitlement and squash it before you act on it. You are entitled to nothing and should learn the difference between a need and a want. Based on the situation, focus on what you can control and practice gratitude. Take a good, hard observation of how your entitlement has and could affect the people around you. Last and most importantly, be kind to yourself. Being kind to yourself is the best thing you can do for yourself, and only you can do that. They suggest you find a mental health professional to guide your journey into a balanced life. Want the whole article? Check it out here.

Traits of the entitled

The traits of entitled people aren't pretty. For instance, empathy goes out the window and they are the center of their world, expecting the world to owe them everything. They won't earn it themselves. 

Do you know someone who expects special favors? Maybe, maybe not, but the entitled in the world see nothing wrong with this. Even if they think they can skirt the rules because they don't apply to them. Even if they mistreat serving staff and waiters who are just trying to get through the shift. These are the humans demanding freebies and not wanting to pay for art. 

Thinking you are a million dollars of fabulous and should have a great life, with no effort made on your part, is a delusion. This is when you see some influencers elevating themselves above others. You do need to make an effort to make your life better. You can't just let others do all the work for you. 

Flaunting power, influence, and money is a toxic trait. Not everyone has to bend over backward to make the life of an entitled human easier. We don't all have to do something for someone because of their power and influence. I'd go so far as to say we need to stand up to those who bully others with their money and power. Let them fall down on their butt and build themselves back up. If you floated on the backs of others to get somewhere, then do nothing for the others who got you there it is not something to brag about. 

Gratitude is a virtue much appreciated. Entitled people generally don't have it. Saying thank you is a skill lost to them. Tipping? Nope. When they do lose it, though, they'll be sad they didn't say thanks. The fact of the matter with the entitled is they are the most important thing in their own mind. This is why they care not whether you need time to work out personal issues. The empathy is not there. Entitled individuals will act this way across the board, most of the time. 

Victim mentality is what Charlotte Dobre often references when looking at the stories of the entitled, which is truly sad. The delusion they are the victim when you won't give them what they demand is real. She's hit the nail on the head. They aren't taking responsibility for their own lives, instead expecting everyone to carry them through life. They seem to need constant praise, too, which explains some entitled influencers' behaviors. The truth behind that is a massive amount of secret insecurity, which they may need to seek help about, but often don't. 

The focus on self-image is common with the entitled, who wear a metaphorical mask constantly. They are likely to experience chronic disappointment, expectations unmet, and a cycle of behavior that puts them in social and psychological harm on a daily basis. It is harmful to be like this. Seek help, for your sake and ours. 

Children and Entitlement

We see this in kids first. Where? Let me show you. If you've seen a toddler wanting candy at a store and having a meltdown, you've seen it. Blaming a teacher for a bad grade is also a good example. Being uncomfortable with frustration, like complaining you didn't get what you want, is a sign. Expecting something you feel you have a right to is another example. 

Can parents cause this toxic trait? Sometimes yes and sometimes no. Maybe it is a disorder in specific cases. Parenting is hard. All the same, doing what is stated below may encourage this in children - who grow into adults. 

1. Being your child's friend is not the job of the parent. "Because I said so" is a valid answer to why they have to do something. You are not their peer; you are their parent (or legal guardian). When you behave as a peer it encourages them to be entitled. Saying "Bath time in five minutes" will still give a child time to transition to another task, as opposed to "Do you want a bath?". Wording matters and you can word things in a way that says you - the parent - are in charge. "We leave for school in five minutes" is one positive example of such wording. Adult children are their own entity and can be your friend and child, but barring that situation you need to establish you are making the decisions. 

2. Equal say in decisions can encourage entitlement, too. Again, you make the decisions because the child has not developed fully. Can they say their thoughts on the decision or matter? Sure, they can, but you make the final decision and your say goes. I don't advocate not listening to your child, because I know that later they talk to you more if you listen to them speak, but doing everything they want you to do tells them they are the center of the universe. They are not. Don't allow them to think they are. 

3. Bribing is a tactic that rewards bad behavior. Reward and bribe aren't defined the same. A bribe rewards bad behavior, while a reward is an incentive toward good behavior. For instance, Stillwell runs all over the bus causing chaos during the movie A League of Their Own, and gets a candy bar as bribery to behave and stop being chaos. In comparison, my mother-in-law homeschooled both her children and offered the incentive of money when they turned in homework - a reward for good behavior. Simplified down to one statement, it is this; reward the behavior you want to encourage. 

4. Remember the participation trophies nobody worked for? You showed up and got rewarded for it. While this may be a good thing for those who tried and didn't win the league, many didn't do anything except show up and stand in the outfield or soccer field. You notice that goes away as the ages rise, and for good reason. You earn rewards for doing more than showing up in the real world. It is highly debated whether participants should get a trophy for simply entering the building. 

5. Saying no is vital to parenting. No means you can make a child upset, but wouldn't you rather they learn not to run into traffic? The spoiled ones who get all they ever wanted and more take this for granted all the time later in life. They learn their parents are genies or ATMs. You are the parent. Say no when you need to say no. You are the authority figure and they need to learn the world will sometimes say no. 

6. Modeling good behavior is also vital. What you do speaks louder than what you say and tell them to do. If you model that you can bully someone into getting what you want, they'll do likewise. Entitled behavior gets modeled to a child and they will mimic that. They repeat TV shows and movies, so why wouldn't they look to you for how to behave in society? Your child is not fully developed. They will pick up on what you do and say. Cussing? They'll repeat it. Entitlement? They'll show you what you look like. If you see they are mimicking you and you hate how it looks, change. You can control you. 

Teaching Kids Resilience

Above all, teach your kids resilience (capacity to deal with diversity) because if they can't deal with challenges they'll find ways to cope that aren't positive. 

What can you do to help them build better lives? Below we explore that. 

1. Responsibility and accountability are major. You can give kids chores as early as age 3, according to science. Make it clear they are accountable for their actions. This can mean caring for a pet, doing dishes, or even just setting the table. Little tasks are still chores. Later you can teach them cooking and mowing, but once they are of age. 

2. Resilience can be taught by making a child ride out a situation (as long as it is not an abusive one). My parents made me stick to T-Ball, which was fun but not so fun I'd sign up for coach pitch. Making them finish homework and do their responsibilities despite that new video game release can teach this, too. Life doesn't always line up perfectly. Teach them doing what they don't want to is part of life, at times. Kids who find the working world "doesn't care if they want to" get a rude awakening when not taught resiliency. 

3. Teach a child to write thank you cards and say thank you. Gratitude taught is a skill that sticks with you. You'll notice those with low income are especially thankful for little things. Even without being low-income, you can be thankful for all God gave you. Gratitude goes a long way in people skills. 

4. Service projects are great opportunities. Growing up in a church? Go volunteer for that mission trip or family service project they talked up Sunday morning. Even going to help with a one-day church event as a prayer warrior or set-up person is a service opportunity. Your kids see you modeling this or go on that mission trip to find that it holds a high mental reward. They see someone's eyes light up at their new floor, painted bathroom, or hot water plumbing. It goes a long way. 

5. Own up to your mistakes as a parent. We are all humans raising humans. Why else is society so wonky? The least we can do is raise our kids to be honest, humble human beings. Modeling this is going to do even more than you think. I have respect for my parents for this reason. It means they were real with me. They apologized when they made a mistake. Be real with your kids and they will thank you later in life. In fact, they may stick around and tell you more about their lives in the long run. 

6. Simple conversations about wants versus needs, working hard, self-control, focusing on what you can do, and the reality of privilege is vital. You can model it, but talk about it, too. When your words match your actions you'll make a massive impact. Please talk to your kids. Be open to life's questions. They need our help. In fact, we all need help. If we didn't, Jesus wouldn't have come to us. Society is in serious trouble and has been for centuries. 

Like my writing? I wrote a book! Find my book at this link.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Wait, that's their natural voice?!

Today I want to lighten the mood and talk about four actors' voices. I'm speaking of the voices of Piglet, Frosty the Snowman, KITT the car, and Yzma. The actors voicing these characters are using their natural voices. 

Courtesy of Eric Juneau Books

Today's blog isn't complicated. I needed something quick to write up and thought this was rather fascinating. It still breaks my brain to hear the voice of KITT outside of the TV show Knight Rider. Without much introduction, I'm diving in. 


Anyone who isn't familiar with KITT the car never watched Knight Rider, or at least didn't watch more than two seconds of the show. The voice of the car is William Daniels, also known for TV shows Boy Meets World and St. Elsewhere. He's voiced KITT even up to the year 2020, according to IMDB. The video below is Michael Knight/Long being introduced to KITT in an unexpected twist. 

Does that voice sound synthesized to you? It did to me too, but let me show you a clip from Boy Meets World and break your brain. Listen carefully.


Watching Emperor's New Groove is a brainless, yet fun experience. Yzma is voiced by Eartha Kitt, who is known for playing Catwoman and being a singer. She had a rough life. I don't mean that she had a hard time rising to fame, either. No, she was given away by her mother and treated horribly. She danced her way out of poverty. She wasn't treated well in her younger years. Let me direct you to a video by Kaz Rowe, where she goes into great detail on the awful experiences Eartha Kitt went through. Click here if you want more information on Eartha Kitt.

Right now I'm moving on to the main topic, her voice. Below is a clip from Emperor's New Groove. She is known for her distinct voice.  

I had a hard time deciding what clip to put in of her speaking naturally. I decided that I'd put in a compilation of Catwoman and let you listen. Though the purring is added for the character, the rest of it is purrrfectly genuine. 


Winnie the Pooh is a classic. I loved it as a kid and it is still wonderful. The movie Christopher Robin is just as good. What you may not know is Piglet's voice (up to the year 2005) is the natural voice of John Fiedler. The man is no longer living to voice Piglet and others have taken over since the year 2005. Do you want to hear the original voice? Let me show you. Keep in mind you've heard him as more than Piglet. He voiced the man who threw off Cuzco's groove, was in a Columbo episode, and voiced a porcupine in The Fox and The Hound. While he was mostly Piglet, he also acted in other films.

Alright, you know the pattern by now. I'm going to show you a video of the man speaking in person. You can't mistake which one John Fiedler is. 

Frosty the Snowman

My husband watched a Night Gallery and found the voice of Frosty. He couldn't quite place the voice, but he knew it for sure. Then he looked up the actor and discovered why it was so darn familiar. Jackie Vernon voiced Frosty the Snowman. He voiced the specific episode of "make me laugh" in Night Gallery, in case you were going to search for it later. You know I'm going to put a clip of Frosty to be sure you know the voiceprint, yet I'm sure I don't have to. 

Night Gallery is not something my brain needs to latch onto, so I'm not going to post the segment here. I'm going to have his standup, instead. 


While I can think of three more, I'll save those for another day. Not every voice actor can use their natural voices for roles, but these did. 

Oh, and I can't forget to tell you about my book, Wrenville, available on Amazon. Click here for a Kindle or paperback copy.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Inappropriate Comments - How To Respond

 When you encounter someone who makes an uncomfortable, rude, or off comment it isn't uncommon to not know what to do. I dug into the research for you. We shall now dive into what an inappropriate comment is and what to do about it. 

Courtesy of Evening Standard

We all put our foot in our mouths, but I'm not talking about accidental insensitivities. I'm talking about the "do you hear yourself?" and "who didn't install a filter in this human?" level of uncomfortable. There are three scenarios to consider. The three categories are when you can leave the room, when you don't want to leave the room but are highly uncomfortable, and when you can't leave the room. All require different strategies. 

But first, we define inappropriate. This is harder than you think. It depends on your relationship with someone, what your culture deems appropriate, and your friendship status. What you can and can't say to someone is determined by how relationally close you are. Again, I am talking about more than accidentally putting your foot in your mouth; the level of inappropriate I'm referencing is when one decides to speak something deliberately. Examples of inappropriate comments include cat-calling at strange women or men, commenting on someone's body or response in a mean or lustful way, or being utterly insensitive with no sign of stopping. 

Please try to work out issues with people. Speak up and they may stop. Or not, then you get support from others and go from there. Foot in the mouth is one thing, but one who won't stop being inappropriate is another ball game. Don't invalidate your own gut instinct. Take a moment to think about why the comment upset you. Anger is a secondary emotion.

You should be aware of two things; you are not responsible for correcting their behavior and despite consequences, speak up. When you speak use "I" statements and explain, rather than accusing someone (just in case they did put their foot in their own mouth on accident). It can be helpful to make them explain their joke or ask them to repeat themselves. 

When you can leave the room - Situation One

Well, ladies and gents, this is the ideal situation. When you can leave the room it is a great idea to do so. This can prevent you from blowing up on the person in question, relieving you of accidentally losing control of your tongue. You can take a deep breath while outside the event until they leave. 

I am assuming this scenario allows you to leave the event, but if it doesn't you can at least take a long moment for yourself while you leave the direct presence of the filter-less, inappropriate human you least like. Stepping outside or leaving the event can directly take you out of the situation at hand. This is the ideal situation and it doesn't happen often. It is your choice to exit stage left, should you decide to. 

When you can't leave the room - Situation Two

I can't express how uncomfortable this is. The location of this scenario could be working directly with someone for a whole shift or day, sitting in a classroom or mandatory social outing, or any scenario where who you sit with is not your choice to make. Taming the tongue at this point in time is not so easy. You can try to work this out and I suggest you do so, if at all possible. I'm going to continue as if you can't, but do try to work out the issue whenever possible. It'll eliminate most of the tension if not all. 

You need to evaluate whether talking to a human in charge is needed (unless you are in charge, then you act). You start by processing your emotions. Stop and clear your head. Consider what they said and decide what to do. Assuming they had good intentions, were actually joking, or just didn't know you had a sensitive situation you can talk to them privately. Should you find out they weren't joking or didn't have good intentions, that's another story. Tell another human what happened, preferably one who can change your seating arrangement or keep the person in line with their authority. Sometimes you have to tolerate their presence and keep an authority figure updated. Other times you'll get lucky and get to change lockers or shifts. 

Courtesy of Pinterest
The type that tends to make life extremely uncomfortable is rarely going to see subtle cues. It might take "you touch me and you lose your hand" to drive the point home. There are ways to deflect comments, however, anyone in danger should not be subtle. Get to a safe place when unsafe and, as stated above, tell someone. Get help and support. The advice below comes from a female pastor who states these are for verbal situations, not physical:

Believe it or not, laughter is a weapon - but only when it is a loud victory guffaw. It says "I'm not afraid of you and I won't keep it a secret". To quote Carol Howard Merritt, 

"Use it when someone is trying to take away your power. You can even grab the person next to you, and say loudly, "Did you hear what he just said?" Then say something like, "How awkward was that?" Or, "Can you imagine saying that to your pastor?"

Another weapon in your arsenal is ignoring someone until they actually use your name. "That's not my name" is a valid response. When in danger, don't do this. Only fools ignore a situation that could get them hurt.

When you must speak, make sure you practiced in your head. No joke, rehearse your lines in case you have to defend yourself. Taking the power out of harassment is partly taking the shock moment out of it. As alarm bells go off in your head and the odd behavior seems suspect, prepare yourself to get help and respond. Friends can also be a good alarm bell and aid you in spotting a threat. You need friends who trust you, too, so make sure you can trust those friends when your head alarm is ringing. Try to be in a room of witnesses. The more people who hear it, the better. 

Are you angry? There's the alarm bell. Use that in your defense. Power comes in anger, too. Don't downplay an inappropriate situation. You are allowed to express anger.

Body language says more than we can verbally. So, you should turn your back on someone and pivot yourself. When you can't remove yourself you can't physically pivot away, yet you can give someone the cold shoulder. You can also refuse to share information. Who said they need to know anything about you? Say you are uncomfortable out loud with a strong vocal tone. 

When you think you need to be around a large group, do it. Go find a large group of people, so it can deter or expose the person harassing you. 

When you don't want to leave, but can leave

I paid to go to a convention at the Palace theatre. Dressed in a Christmas red dress as Charlotte Thornton, I went in alone. I soon spoke to people in a friendly way and picked up a tail, a man with interest in me. He decided to follow me around. I suspect he was not hostile, just special needs, but I didn't appreciate him following me in that small, crowded theatre. This scenario is what you call an internal conflict. I paid to come in here and see two movies while in cosplay. Why would I leave? Yet, I don't like that I got tailed half the convention. I don't go alone to conventions anymore, never again. 

Another scenario? Basketball is fun. Our casual basketball game during the week is the highlight of my Wednesday, just like my prayer meeting that morning. When someone comes in and makes a safe space suddenly unsafe I'm understandably upset. Yet, I didn't leave. No, I stayed and played game after game. You can't chase me away from my mid-week basketball experience. I packed a bag for it and intend to play every Wednesday I can. 

These are both real scenarios. Weighing the pros and cons of stepping out and staying in is vital here. Let me outline when it is not safe to stay. I was not in physical peril in those situations. I was merely annoyed and angry, as opposed to being in direct danger of being harmed. Below is a list of questions. If the answer is yes, you leave. When assaulted you obviously yell for help and call 911. 

1. Are they touching you?
2. Are they aggressive toward you? 
3. Are you in danger of sexual assault (basically, are you being attacked)?
4. Are you alone with someone your guts says you shouldn't be alone with?
5. Do you desperately want to leave the situation? 


Be safe out there. To be clear, a foot in the mouth is one thing and a deliberate inappropriate comment is another. When in direct danger of assault do not ever stay if you can leave. You can defend yourself, ladies and gents, so please do. Don't be afraid to ask for support from friends, whom you should be able to trust. Your mental alarms are not to be ignored. 

Looking for a good book to read? Check out Wrenville on Amazon! I wrote it and released it in January of 2023. I just did a book signing for it, too. I hope you were able to join me, but if not I will be occasionally doing book signings at various libraries in the future. 

Want the book? Click here to reach the Amazon page. It is available in Kindle and Paperback. If you liked it leave a review. 


How to Respond to Rude or Inappropriate Comments - Long Story Short (

How to Handle Insensitive Comments | Psychology Today

Inappropriate Comments: How to Handle Them with Authority and Grace (

Dealing with inappropriate comments | The Christian Century

How To Identify and Address Inappropriate Comments at Work |

Monday, March 6, 2023

Do Animals See Ghosts?

 Do animals have ghosts and see them? Here are some stories I have found that may indicate this. While I may not believe every story here or any of them at all, I thought it was at least an interesting topic to dive into. Easily scared people need not read this.

Courtesy of

So, given I have seen cat movement after Big Boy's death (the second to last cat we owned), my mom heard a meow after the death of Emmett (the last cat we owned), and I have seen cat shapes in the house often after the death of Whitesocks (the first cat my family owned when I was a kid) I don't entirely disbelieve some of these stories. I don't know what awaits animal souls after death. I also don't believe making contact with ghosts or supernatural entities that might be demons is a sane idea. Don't make an alter to your cat, dog, horse, hedgehog, fish, rabbit, or any other pet that you might have had. Once they cross the rainbow bridge you can go find them in Heaven after you die, but barring that I don't think seeking them out is a good idea. You can put a memorial stone in your garden, by all means, and keep their ashes to your heart's content. Just don't try to contact the dead, ever. There is a reason you aren't supposed to. If you are, please stop. This has been a courtesy message of warning. Now you can read all the ghost stories. 

As for my research, take it with a grain of salt; in other words, I am not going to claim it to be all true and reliable. Why? We can't prove what animals can and can't see. My sweet Whodunit (my turtle), nor any of the animals that I have loved, can speak words. Do I believe they see what we don't? Yes, but why and what they see can't be proven by anyone except God, so I'll ask God when I get to Heaven, or not since most of the supernatural includes what we maybe don't want to know or see. Be warned and don't take all the research I found as complete truth. We'll never know for sure what they see. 

Pets Seeing Ghosts

Again, don't take this as fact. There are people who believe this to be true. A security dog at Molly Stark (during a change in security systems) would bark down the hall or sit at attention during the three-day patrol. Pets on Roosevelt Island (Blackwell Island formerly) are known to not go down certain stairways and bark at air on occasion in the apartment that used to be a part of the Blackwell Asylum. Both spaces have security guards and law enforcement confirming a haunting (and law enforcement doesn't jump to that conclusion on a whim!). 

Coutesy of  The Spruce Pets
Evidence, you ask? Yes, let's look. Owners have reported pets following invisible something and in specific areas. There is another piece of evidence that goes beyond this, which is growling and making noises at something you can't see (again, could be a mouse or squirrel in your wall or the frequency of some TV or device you can't hear, so don't jump too fast to the conclusion your pet is seeing stuff). Not real conclusive if you can't sense energy there and it only happens once. If it happens in the exact same place all the time - MOVE and have someone pray over your house. Haunted houses are no joke. 

Is your cat ignoring you so it can spend time with a ghost? Some people believe it. Getting the sense your cat is more intrigued by an invisible force you can't see is reported, too. Distracted kitty may be seeing something. Cases where one's cats were playing with an invisible cat have been reported. 

Our eyesight does not include ultraviolet light. Did you know that? I didn't. It is theorized that dogs and cats can see ultraviolet and have better night vision. It is possible ghosts and spirits show up in a lighting scheme only our pets can actually see. 

Ghost Stories

I talked about animals seeing ghosts, but can they be ghosts? Maybe. I'm going to link my source of ghost stories here. If you would like to scare yourself silly tonight, go ahead and read these. I already did and don't feel like rehashing them because I want to sleep.  

Animal Ghosts - Evidence of Animal Afterlife

Grief Hallucinations

I hate to tell you that your ghost of a loved one may be a hallucination, but it could be. Me seeing the shadows of a cat around my childhood home and my mom hearing the meow of our last cat the day after his death could be expressions of our grief. Our brains log every sound and image we encounter. It isn't impossible to understand how this combined with grief could lead to seeing our loved ones appear before us. 

It is shockingly common to see this type of grief happen. Yet, we don't talk about it. We think we're seeing ghosts or we're losing it. We're not; losing someone is hard, pet or human. Usually, this fades as our grief lessens and we move on. If we never move on it may never fade, but I wouldn't encourage your brain to keep the illusion coming. You do need to heal. Grieve in a healthy way. 

Don't forget! I'll be at the Carroll County District Library on March 11th to sign my suspense novel Wrenville. You can buy my book at my Amazon page on ebook or in physical form or at my table on March 11th. For more information on the book signing click here.


The allure of Molly Stark: History and ghosts (

Molly Stark haunted? Visitors to former tuberculosis clinic say they have witnessed strange, unexplainable happenings (

Can Children And Animals See Ghostly Spirits? - Ask Mystic Investigations

Animals and the Paranormal: Can Dogs See Ghosts? (

Can Dogs And Cats See Ghosts? - Stranger Dimensions

Roosevelt Island’s rich and frightening history  – New York Daily News (

The Madness of Roosevelt Island - NY Ghosts

I lived in a former insane asylum on Roosevelt Island (

Ghost Stories: Visits from the Deceased - Scientific American