Sunday, June 27, 2021

games for introverts

Gaming for extroverts and introverts is different. The style of games that we choose is not the same. What games do introverts prefer? Keep reading.

Screenshot for Nancy Drew Sea of Darkness

It seems that we like games that have a story, puzzles, and plotline. Why? Because we can focus for long periods of time alone. Most puzzle games are done solo, thus we recharge while playing. We pay attention to everything and that makes the plotline more fun. Of course, this doesn't mean that we don't play online multiplayer games and role-playing games, but we are less likely to recharge our batteries with a game that requires communication with other players. We like to build our own worlds and create characters, then explore it all. Competitive games are not going to draw introverts. Time spent in games where we can create our own worlds will be long, focused hours. Introverted nature makes it appealing for us to disappear and create the world we want to see. The attitude about gaming when it comes to introverts is interesting. We might tell ourselves we should be doing more important things. Some gamers think they might be wasting time. 

Typical Introvert Games

Sims Screenshot
I have a few favorite games that introverted souls might enjoy. Since I'm a Nancy Drew nerd it shouldn't surprise you that I suggest the Herinteractive Nancy Drew games. They are puzzles, have plotlines, and you can play them solo. They are so fun and I adore them. 

Sims games are commonly known for world creation and a lot of Nancy Drew players also game with Sims. There are so many types of these that you can find anything you want. The Sims have been around forever. 

Speaking of the plotline, the Kyle Hyde games (Hotel Dusk and Last Window) are living novels that I know well. I love them because you have some challenge and a book in one game. Try them sometime. You might have to spend some money on these because they are from a gaming company that is out of business, but it is so worth the money. They are Nintendo DS games. 

The obvious worldbuilder here is Minecraft. Hours of time can go into your mansion and you can even fight zombies. Time passes with no effort. Before you know it, you spent five hours on your computer. 

Dungeons and Dragons and roleplaying are an ideal way to create a character, explore a world, and play along a storyline with trusted friends. An intimate group can do this for hours and escape any stress that comes with the real world. Additionally, any games that allow this type of gameplay are ideal. 

Hilariously, there is a Pet the Pup at the Party game that you can get free. In this game, your goal is the find the dog at the party and avoid the people. You can unlock dogs and their bios as you play and you have a time limit to find the doggy. Did I mention it is free? Pet the Pup Game website Here!

Games that aren't videogames

I stumbled upon some sources talking about nonvideo games. In case you are not a gamer at all, here are some sports that introverted people can have some fun with. 

Poker, strangely, is a game where you can be in a group and not speak a word other than "call", "fold", and any other poker terms you say out loud. Uncomfortable at a party?  Pull out a deck of cards and see who wants to play. 

Golf is quiet, done solo or in groups. It is common courtesy to not be loud out there while someone is putting. Physical activity and focus are combined. Fun and peaceful golf outings are a good way to recharge. 

A Quick Note On Future Blogs

I will be taking a short break from blogging. Given that, there are two more new blogs released with this one that will be linked below. I'll see all of you readers when I get back and I'll have some fresh content for you. God bless!

The other blogs are here and here too.


Adventure Gamers

Computer History Museum


The Guardian

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