Monday, May 27, 2024

Movie Review - 1925 The Gold Rush


 Today you'll see some of my 1920's research. Partly because I need content and partly because I need to watch more of these movies for speech patterns and reference. I'm hitting two birds with one stone, in other words. Sit back and enjoy my review of the silent film The Gold Rush starring Charlie Chaplin, released in 1925. 

Courtesy of Letterboxd

The Gold Rush is a silent film, starring Charlie Chaplin, about the Great Gold Rush of Alaska. Below is my review of it, mostly because I need to watch it for research and partly because I want to watch it and need an excuse. The movie begins with a card talking about the gold rush. It is mostly visual comedy, cards with words, and piano music. You can't watch it with your ears while working. Visuals are the film. You miss everything by not looking up at the screen. Keep this in mind with all silent films. 


As usual, they use music, cards with text, and silent acting to get all of it across. It proves you don't necessarily need words to get meaning to your audience. I honestly think we need to come back to this and revisit the talent of silent actors. 

It tells the clear story of a hard winter for three prospectors out in the wilderness, then a return to get the gold. It has action and comedy. Oh, and a cute dog. It's mostly antics. The antics were mostly physical. The acting clearly tells the story. 

Courtesy of

Later on, we see a woman come into play named Georgia, who lives in the town. Chaplin's character comes into the dance hall to see her. She has an unwanted admirer who gets really aggressive. She has no interest. She uses Chaplin to get away from the unwanted admirer. This is where the comedy gets a bit more ramped up, as his pants nearly fall down while they dance. A dog gets attached to him by a leash, then chases a kitten. The charming awkward protagonist gets the girl over the aggressive man at the end, when he is now wealthy. 

Never once was I confused. Never did I question what was going on. I knew what happened purely on visuals. The comedy gags were all good. 


Here we have the quality of the acting and the music. I'll also speak to the overall quality of the film and if I enjoyed it. The short answer is yes, I enjoyed myself. There was no moment that the acting wasn't on point. It was on point at every moment of the film. The action sequences were fantastic and the music always matched. 

I need to take a moment and praise the action sequences. The fight scenes were excellent in the cabin. I loved those. They kept it interesting. It held my attention fully. 

The music matched every single scene. It was impressive. Given this was often live music in theatres I'd like to see this live and not from a YouTube upload. I'd pay money to watch it. 

I never got tired of the movie, not once. I was all in. Chaplin was so adorably sweet. His comedic antics hit the bullseye every time. I'd watch another any day of the week. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. 

Courtesy of


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Time Travel Writing Tips and Basics

I'm writing a time travel draft. Because of this, I'll be buried in research for a while (and I love it). Also because of this, today's blog is all about writing time travel. Let's get into the time machine, shall we? 

Courtesy of Daily Express

With a new genre for me to write comes new rules. Time travel is not to be written by the seat of your pants. You have to do the leg work for your setting, with some suspension of disbelief because time travel (as far as we know) doesn't exist. It is highly suggested you dive into the research further than you think you need to. Why? Because historians may pick apart your storyline. With alternate futures you have more liberties to take. It depends what you do and how you write the time travel methods. 

Considerations and What to remember

You can let the story take you different places if you want (you just have to do work on the backend of it to fix other issues). Or you can outline it. It is up to you. It may work better to do some of both with a vague outline or two and a bit of wiggle room. At least make a timeline of what you intend to happen before you let the story take you somewhere. 

You have the advantage of a modern take on historical times - because your protagonist is from the present (if they are, of course). A contemporary lense can be given to an older time through your protagonist. You have some liberties you can take here. Your main guy/gal is not from 1920 and won't think like they do. That, however, doesn't apply to the people he befriends in the setting. They grew up in 1920. 

Find appropriate sources for your historical recreation of whatever time you write. Even if you twisted the time period because someone stepped on a butterfly, you could still use the research. Maybe the advertisements and magazines of the time, or even the movies, gave you more information than the news articles. Or maybe you needed to find the headlines to get the full picture. Either way, find what works.
Set up the character before the time travel happens. We need to care what Joe Schmoe is all about and who he is before he jumps into 1893 to visit the world's fair. Don't skip setting up the conflict. Tell us what the conflict is before we step into the time machine or tap the pocket watch. Then we can enjoy the story without the time travel taking over our main character. We need characters to drive the plot, not the historical events or the time travel.

Similar to the above concept, keep the character arc front and center. This isn't a fully historical novel. Maybe we don't need to know what brand the whiskey is, or what every pedestrian is wearing. As you edit keep an eye out for what isn't a necessary detail. We care about the character most, not the time period. Besides, you probably didn't get it completely right; historians make mistakes. We don't have all the information on every time period. We are missing history in the timeline because it is buried under years of soil and we never lived it. You can take creative wiggle room. 

Show don't tell. This is a given in any book ever written. Show something in action. Your audience will understand more than you think. If you have to tell a bit that's okay, but don't just explain in words and never show your audience a demonstration. 

A ticking clock creates tension when you need it. My character is on the run, which is tense enough, but a time limit will be a great addition to your plot if you need more tension. Still not enough? Make them unable to use the device or portal. Setbacks in general are good for the conflict. 

Major things to figure out first

What are the rules of your time travel? Start here before you write any scenes. You make the rules. You can create the device or machine to take you back or forward in time. What most people fall into includes the following: traveling backward, traveling forward, the gift of foresight, and time loops. 
Time loops develop a character through repeated history in a continuous loop. Foresight and traveling forward tend toward morality issues. Whatever you want to do. Stick to the rules you create. It prevents plot holes and you don't necessarily have to explain it to your audience in exhaustive detail. See this link here to get some more stereotypes to start with.

What does your character know about the above rules? My character, for instance, won't understand that warning his friend of bad poisonous liquor won't halt his early death. Your death day is your death day in my storyline. It won't change anything to warn one of their demise date. The grave will remain the same. If someone knows a rule have them be consistent. If someone doesn't know a rule, same thing. Decide what they don't and do understand. Make sure what they understand is plausible. 

Courtesy  of Daily Express
Where are you going to drop your character and how many time periods? Who is he befriending? What is the timeline of the people around him/her? Keep track of who dies and lives at different years. Take into context what happens around that time in every era. Do the research. 

Choose your device, whether it be a pocket watch, a car, or a telephone booth. How do we travel to 1925 or 1893? You have to create the device, create the rules, and be consistent. Portals are another way to travel that might work for your story, which can appear in anything from a suitcase to a doorframe. Catalysts are a way your character can get to different times, whether they have control of their destination or they simply wake up in 1924 after a night out in 2023. A disorder that flings you through time (The Time Traveler's Wife) is one such catalyst. 

As long as you explain something right (even if you show something a character doesn't understand) anything goes. Show us how it happened. If we know the rules we can understand it. Yes, leave some information out as you need to, but don't leave your audience so lost they stop reading. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


Monday, May 13, 2024

eye contact

If you know me personally you know I'm not one to make a lot of eye contact. It's an intimate thing, even between friends. Let's talk about eye contact and what it really means to get eye contact. 

Courtesy of Glam

Some people have issues with eye contact not being made. For those people, I'd say that you've not had much experience with introverts. (Don't say shy to an introvert, by the way.) Please don't label people who make less eye contact with flirting either (cough cough, elementary school). Maybe they just don't want the intimacy of making long periods of eye contact. It isn't an easy answer. While some people won't make eye contact while lying, others can look you straight in the eye and lie to you. It depends entirely on who you are talking to and their personality. 

Personality aside, eye contact means a lot. It can mean sexual attraction, hatred, lying, shame, and lots of other emotions that the body language attached will clarify. Additionally, if someone only smiles with their mouth and their eyes don't follow, it can be unsettling to make eye contact. Beware of smiling that doesn't reach one's eyes because they might just hate you or want to hurt you. I wouldn't linger at that point. Or you just talked to customer service people who are dead inside. Let's dive into the basics of eye contact. 

Oh, and if you stare into someone's eyes for 10 minutes you might go into hallucinations and a dissociative state (reality disconnect). You see face images and all sorts of stuff. I think it might feel like tripping on acid. 


Body language should be noted when looking at eye contact. Eye contact itself is body language. Note that I am going with United States culture. Eye contact is arousing, holds attention, makes people believe you, makes people think you're smart, and makes you appear sincere.

Direct eye contact (mutual gaze) conveys a vast array of emotions. It can mean someone is listening or paying attention. Many look away when answering a difficult question because it affects cognition (thinking) to look someone directly in the eye while doing something. More eye contact equals more extroversion in some cases (not shocking). A study found that many perceive the speaker as more intelligent while making direct eye contact. People often see direct eye contact and connect it to honesty, whether it is honesty or not.
Averted gaze does not get as strong of a response when compared to mutual gaze (direct eye contact). Looking off to the side is an averted gaze. Depending on the situation, some countries see this as respect. Others see this as cagey. Sometimes this is an effort not to be creepy or too intimate. It's easier to answer difficult questions this way. Autism and Social Anxiety make it hard to mutual gaze, making this common for ASD / SAD populations. Averted gaze can also mean you don't want attention. 

According to Mark Manson, there are 11 levels ( -1 to 9) of eye contact for attraction. Let me break it down quickly in a list. 
-1. Won't look at you (means "get away from me")   0. they didn't notice you (in their own world)
1. they see you and their eyes keep roaming (they aren't paying attention)  
2. eye contact and immediately look away (self-conscious or attracted/uninterested)
3. eye contact for slightly longer and break (interested slightly)
4. a second glance (probably interested)
5. 2-3 seconds of gaze (clearly interested and approachable) - can be taken as creepy stare when unwanted
6. gaze and smile (interested and double approachable)
7. held eye contact with smile and no break - can be creepy if unwanted (very, very excited and will approach you)
8. dreamy smile (clearly in love with you)
9. the insane (should probably run because someone is unhealthily obsessed) - ends badly

Glances mean a million things. It can mean "oh, a human entered the room" to "I want to talk to you". It depends on body language. One glance can mean they saw your movement, like most people do without thinking. We catch movement out of the corner of our eyes and look almost unconsciously. No one has to think about doing that. 

Repeated eye contact is to be noted. One glance can be an accident. Two or three? No accident. It can mean attraction, someone is watching you, or any number of things. If in danger call a nearby human or call 911. Get out of the vicinity if you can. Any danger vibes are not to be ignored. I don't care how much you like sitting in the coffee shop; someone following you is not good. Go home and lock the door. 

Staring can be staring into space, which means they are so far in their inner world they don't see you. Or it can be creepy staring or "come here" staring or "we need to leave, let's go" staring. Be aware of the context of the body language and all of the context around you. Again, I don't care how nice your coffee shop chair is - leave in hostile situations. If you can't leave get help and sit with a friend. Lustful stares are not good when you are not into it

Courtesy of
Strong eye contact can get attention, which is good for selling and compelling an audience. It can also be used for expressing your attraction, as demonstrated by the 11 degrees of eye contact above. Before sex eye contact can intensify your foreplay. Or it can just be general affection.

Prolonged and smiling is good. You have their full attention. This is friendly eye contact, used in most engaged conversations. They are open and comfortable. This conveys respect and care about the conversation. 

Any dreamy and expressive looks are to be absolutely noted (whether wanted or not). Intense emotion shouldn't be ignored, really. It ends badly. If it looks like a non-verbal "I love you" you've got some intense emotions in play. If someone is misplacing their emotion, tell them now. If you return their emotion say so. 

Science says that dilated (bigger pupils) eyes reveal that you like what you are looking at, whether it be your Pinterest or a person. If interested in conversation the eyes dilate and the reverse happens when uninterested. Constant eye contact is intimidation and should not be done to dogs in particular. Overly persistent eye contact might be "SEE I'M NOT LYING" only they are lying. Be careful of that. Evasive eye contact is discomfort or the need to think before speaking (always good). 

Don't blink! Just kidding, if you like someone you blink more. Any number more than 6 times per minute reflects attraction. Winking is an even better neon sign (unless, of course, a culture doesn't like it). People interested in conversation look at your face 80 percent of the time - a few seconds on the eyes, down to lips or nose, then back to the eyes. Occasionally they glance at a table and back up. 

If you are trying to get better at this

I once had a theatre exercise at Malone University where I had to sit knee-to-knee with someone and make direct eye contact for an extended time. It was kind of awful and uncomfortable. I don't want more of that awkwardness. However, if you want to improve your eye contact skills I found some tips. Let me know how it goes in the comments if you try anything. 

Throw the fear of rejection out the window. Project confidence (fake it 'til your anxiety leaves). Try focusing on making eye contact first, since most people are waiting for permission to do so. This might boost your confidence further. The 2 Second rule is a great rule of thumb. Look 2 seconds then break. 

Courtesy of Everhour
Staring and eye contact are not the same. Glance away every few seconds. A few seconds of eye contact with a stranger and a bit longer with friends/lovers is a good benchmark for whether you are staring or mutual gazing. Break this social rule and people get real uncomfortable. Smile with your eyes. 

Focus on one eye at a time. It's a weird tip, but let me know if it works. Focus on one eye for two seconds, then to the other for a few seconds (perhaps their eyelashes). Try their hands or mouth if they are demonstrating something. Switch focus spots every few seconds to avoid staring. 

Give space to the person. Don't be a close talker. I'd say give strangers a few more inches of space. Be a few inches closer for friends (if you aren't sure how close to be watch social cues). If someone doesn't like your eye contact definitely stop. Also, cultural differences are to be noted in different countries and different people groups. 

While public speaking make eye contact. Pick different people each time. Rotate and shift your gaze every couple of seconds. This makes you look confident. 

Reasons we avoid eye contact

Introverts and people with ASD, SAD, or forms of anxiety don't make a boatload of eye contact. When you don't want attention or conversation the eye contact numbers will naturally be low. Or you just don't want people contact, thus your eye contact will be low because you are exhausted. Eye contact encourages humans to interact. 

Anyone masking emotions won't be mutual gazing much. Poker players wear shades to avoid tells. We look away when we don't want someone to see us vulnerable and upset. It makes sense. Our emotions are evident in our eyes. Liars often glance away, unless they are so good at it they can lie while looking you in the eye (some can). Insincere comments have the same effect, meaning they might not look you in the eye when they say it. 

Eye contact makes us feel exposed. I don't know why it is intimidating to make eye contact, but if you've met me I think you've noticed I have to warm up to do it. My husband gets eye contact more than anyone else in my life. I have to be friends with you to give you more eye contact than the average human. Even then, I read the books on your shelf while I converse with you. 

Frequently interrupted eye contact either means they have no interest in what you are saying or they are too distracted to focus fully on the conversation, like when I'm serving food and someone wants to converse about their life issues. This might be either "talk to me later" or you don't want to talk to them. It can be disrespectful, but I'd phrase it more as "no interest in conversing". 

Sudden avoidance of eye contact means something happened. Avoiding eye contact distractedly, like above, can be "I'm dealing with stuff in my own head", which is commonly when I'm processing life cleaning up a kitchen. Sometimes life is just weird and you have moments. Maybe your thoughts went down a really weird rabbit hole and you don't want to look someone in the eye until the thought passes. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


Monday, May 6, 2024

A note to those writing inspirational fiction

 This blog is about how to write your faith into your stuff without sounding like you write for Hallmark. Of the five inspirational suspense books I read in my book cleaning, two were good enough to read to the end. Why? Because the other three preached instead of writing dialogue or they just weren't my jam. Today we'll discuss how to write Jesus into your fiction well, without turning off readers who want natural dialogue. 

Courtesy of

First, you have to know I'm Christian. If you are not I'm not going to shove it down your throat, but you have to know this is about Christian faith and not any other faith. You've been warned. Let's start the journey. 

I am never opposed to Christian themes and talking about Jesus in fiction. What I am opposed to is badly written dialogue and badly written faith-based fiction. I love Jesus, but I am turned off by books that make faith sound like "everything is cupcakes and rainbows because Jesus saved me and all my problems are miraculously gone" - especially when the problems are deep psychological ones. Jesus helps us through stuff and isn't a free pass to get away from personal issues. He's not a vending machine for prosperity. He can give you peace in times of trouble, yes, but that doesn't mean He takes the trouble away. We grow through dealing with life. Jesus wants us to grow up strong in our faith. All this comes to one main point; I want a realistic faith experience reflected in dialogue. You should pick a lane if you are preaching while writing fiction dialogue. General themes without coming out and saying it are also good to have. LOTR(Lord of the Rings) and Narnia can vouch for that concept. 

Courtesy of Fanpop

What Not To Do

I've read what you don't do. Don't mistake a sermon for dialogue. Don't preach the prosperity gospel by making all your character's problems go away. Don't sanitize culture. I have to be extra careful saying this because the gospel is truly a great message, but here it goes; don't sacrifice the plot for shoving Jesus into the storyline (when you could just go with themes and get the gospel values in). When you sacrifice the plot the reader puts your book back on the shelf or donates it to a thrift shop. Shallow faith in a book is even worse. 

I'm going to note something here for romantic suspense writers. This can happen in any genre outside Christian media, too. If I can't see the mystery through the drama you need to cut the drama in half. I'm putting that book down so fast it'll hit the thrift store the next day. No joke, I put a Nancy Drew (my favorite detective) mystery down for this writing sin. I pick up mystery and suspense for the plot, not the drama. Again, this isn't only for Christian writers. I'm noting it because it happened in two inspirational suspense recently.

Me not seeing the mystery through the character drama
(Courtesy of Giphy)
All those above are what I've read in bad Christian fiction. What you want is a good plot, compelling characters, and the correct themes/Jesus' inclusion (without it being shoved in sideways). To get there you have to know what doesn't work. I suggest beta-reading any Christian fiction with people who don't typically go into the inspirational section. That's me, a Christian who owns primarily romantic suspense, thrillers, spy novels, and mysteries. Find them and test out your book there. If they stopped at chapter one and said they hated it you need to ask exactly why and fix it (You may want to find a Christian primarily for this genre). 

I understand that this is hard. The Christian fiction genre may limit you and your audience (in creativity). You can write sinful activities but not glorify them, for reference, but your main character can't always be as real as you want them to be (depending on who is publishing you or whether you publish yourself). Publishing yourself leaves lots of freedom and isn't the same as traditional. I know the traditional publishers may stop you from letting an Amish man have a beer (just one example). This means you might be obligated to include your character talking about Jesus in your dialogue (nothing wrong with that) - just be sure it doesn't sound forced or unnatural. Forced and unnatural is what downgrades a book one star or half a star lower. 

What Does Work

I've found that surface-level books on faith (even as a kid) were an automatic turnoff, but Max Lucado is one example of kids' books I can read as an adult and love. Seriously, this guy is an amazing author. Be like him and tell a story with complex themes, but one simple plotline. Max Lucado is one to emulate in this scenario (especially for kids like me who were not into "let's pray" picture books). 

Themes work. You can even break your book out of the inspirational section while you're at it. C.S. Lewis and Tolkien are great examples of putting themes in novels. Faith may even flow naturally into your storyline on accident. When that happens you know Jesus is working in your fiction. Faith can be subtle. Your audience can study it and find it for themselves versus you pointing it out like you are writing young kids' content (unless you are writing kids' content). Kid content is not adult content. Adult content here is defined as books written with adult intelligence in mind. Kids (younger ones) need it pointed out while adults do not. Most adults can find faith parallels in fiction. It's almost better that way because then it is discovered and celebrated (by specific communities) by people who go online with their findings. 

Courtesy of Scholastic
Direct allegories that advertise they are direct allegories are good, too. Pilgrim's Progress is a good work of fiction that makes excellent points. It is directed at all ages. It is also deep and not shallow. Deep allegories and fiction are good. That leads me to my next point. Deep concepts create curiosity that leads people to want more information. Gospel spread means people need to want that information. Shoving it at someone at surface level will kill that curiosity quick. It'll make the gospel a watered-down concept. The gospel is shoved into peoples' faces untactfully by many people, and then Christianity looks vastly unappealing to others. Let's not do the same thing in our fiction. 

Dialogue that reflects a strong faith and an honest perspective on faith is amazing. I'm impressed when a conversation or a reaction to faith seems genuine. Ask any beta-readers who go through your work to note when a conversation isn't realistic. It'll save you from readers putting the book down or downgrading your star rating. This is the mark of an excellent writer, to put natural dialogue about Jesus in a book where the plot is not entirely focused on Jesus. 

This goes for all writing. Flesh out the world you wrote (fantasy especially) and use more than just Christianity issues. You can depict whatever you need to in your story to make the plot work. Only writing Christian issues doesn't take into account your built world or the real world around us. Write a good setting. Don't skimp on your background and characters. 

Write well. A badly written novel glorifies God as much as an unwanted piece of furniture that ends up in charity shops perpetually. Write well and it might reach secular audiences. Keep in mind, your Christian novel doesn't always have to be in the inspirational section. If it isn't good, it goes unwanted and gathers dust no matter the section. Good books are good books.

At the end of the day, your genuine beliefs show through your work no matter what you write. Yes, you do see beliefs bleed into fantasy stories and mysteries all the time. Narnia is a prime example and so is LOTR (Lord of the Rings). What you believe will show up somewhere in your creative work. Write freely and tell me what you see. I'd say that is where God is working in your fiction - through you.

What Christians Want

Many of us don't want perfect characters. We can't relate to perfect Jane or perfect John. We can relate to struggling Jane and John, though. Flaws in characters are great, especially when they work through those flaws and hardships with Jesus or find Jesus in those struggles. Many people in the world are mad at God. When a main character is mad at God someone is bound to relate. Everyone is affected by the fall. The world should not be portrayed as perfect, either. Jesus came to save us because of the fall, so perfect Jane/John doesn't work. In this way, our character can make a mistake and sin, as long as sin is not glorified. 

Take note of the struggles around you. What is everyone else struggling with or against? Let's hear about it in a fictional character. That makes your book relevant. That makes your character someone interesting. That makes someone else feel seen. We all want to feel seen in this world. Make that happen.

Converting someone to Christianity seems to be the point of some of the books I read, but is that the whole Christian life? No. We have our own journey and impact people along the way. We love and talk to people every day, but only a small amount of those conversations (depending on your profession) are conversions. Most non-pastors don't convert people on the daily. Be realistic. The story can be about someone struggling through their own faith; it doesn't have to be conversion. 

Look at real life. Take notes. We can write real people. Have you read the Bible recently? You'll notice most people are never paragons of virtue (minus Jesus). Have you read Judges or Kings? Paul's letters? Job? Ruth? I could go on. Your characters can sin as long as you don't glorify sin. You can portray the broken world for what it is. Sometimes things don't have an answer. The point is to be real about the world we live in. The Bible is real about the state of the world. God is glorified when He gives us strength to do His will, not because we did something. Jesus came to save us because we can't do it ourselves. Why are we writing perfect characters when we are all broken?

Don't let this be you - check your context
(Courtesy of Pinterest)
Assuming you wrote well and secular audiences are reading it, talk about the big issues. Use a villain if you have to. Have someone explore their own doubts about their non-Christian beliefs or talk through questions with others. Make people think. If your goal is to spread The Gospel message in your books make someone think about their own life. Avoid cliche too, as non-believers might skim past "God is love" on a page. Show it - don't say it and be original in your writing. That goes for all writers. 
Scripture is great, but I'd leave maybe one quote in front and stop there in fiction. The Bible quotes being all over the book is not what most look for in fiction. Scripture is vastly important. It definitely isn't something fictional characters quote every other page, though, because again, let's talk about natural dialogue. If you wanted to study the Bible you'd pick up the Bible. People will skim your scripture at best, in most cases. If you use it the story has to fit the scripture used. It has to fit the personality and knowledge of the character you wrote. No one came to your fiction to go to Sunday School, I'm sorry. You may even be speaking to a non-believer and turn them off to your Gospel message by over-quoting. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


What’s Wrong with Christian Fiction? – Bigger On The Inside – Teddi Deppner

How to Write Stories That Christian Readers Actually Need - Story Embers

How to Write Christian Stories without Annoying Your Readers | Kingdom Pen

Three Ways to Write Christian Fiction for a Secular Audience | Kingdom Pen

Monday, April 29, 2024

Sensory Overload

Let's talk about sensory overload, when everything is too loud and only you are bothered by it. Fun? No, but the world is not getting any quieter for you. And most of the time we don't say anything about it. Today I'm diving into the science of it, why it happens, and what we can do about it. 

Courtesy of Deviant Art by GhostlyStatic

Like I said, we often don't say anything about it. The office conversations might be traveling down your hall, the music down the hall might override your focus music, and you might hear multiple conversations simultaneously. Oh, and you might even turn off your focus music to lower the stimulus you hear. 

The truth is the world doesn't lower the volume because we are overwhelmed by loud sounds all at once. It doesn't lower the volume for introverts, either. We simply adjust and cope the best we can. Introverts may even be some of the population dealing with sensory overload. I know I do every time I go to my evening job. So much comes at you at once in public service work. Everyone seems to want everything all at once most days. I have made people stop and tell me what they want from me one by one. The sad truth is that life does not come at you one thing at a time. 

What Is Sensory Overload

It is literally the fact your brain cannot handle all the input from all your senses. Too much information to process is the definition of sensory overload. The brain then goes into fight, flight, or freeze (which explains that facial expression I get - the one where everyone asks if I'm okay when I'm trying to figure out what to do first). Your anxiety levels ramp up like you're an animal trapped by a predator. It may take a second or two or three or ten to calm down.
Symptoms of this include anxiety or overexcitement, stress, fear, panic, irritability, physical discomfort, restlessness and inability to relax, confusion, racing and intrusive thoughts, inability to focus, and a strong urge to get out of the area or cover your eyes/ears. It can be mistaken for bad behavior in small kids, as it can cause tantrums or meltdowns. Be aware of this while raising your kids. Adults can decently try to mask this, but most children cannot mask anything at young ages. The symptoms above can lead to a panic attack when it becomes to much. When your kids meltdown do not scream back! I understand you as a parent are frustrated, but they can't hear you over their brain not processing all their senses. Take them to a calm place (the car, the family bathroom, the parking lot...anywhere really) and speak softly. Screaming back will actively make sensory overload one hundred times worse. 

What can cause those symptoms? Let's go down the list. We have crowds and tightly packed spaces, loud sounds such as music or fireworks, strong smells, unpleasant touch, sudden and unwanted physical contact, drastic changes in the environment (such as light, temperature, and sound), and emotionally charged situations and groups of people. Some of these warrant a fight or flight response (unwanted touch being a major red flag for many reasons), but others might be built into a concert experience and many festivals. 

The most susceptible people are those with a sensory processing disorder (hard to process any senses), generalized anxiety disorder, ADHD, Autism, previous trauma, and PTSD. Or you've just had an awful day and your stress is through the roof to begin with. I'll let you google all those later if you want to, but it makes sense given all those conditions and how they influence the brain. PTSD may even classify some sounds as bombs and mortal danger, which is why some veterans dive under tables at certain sounds. Anxiety already leaves you closer to fight or flight than average, which means you get some more added anxiety from that sensory overload after the fact - like a horrible anxiety and sensory overload sandwich. 

How To Cope

Bad news, the world isn't getting any less messed up and won't be accommodating you (unless you are in a facility that's built for that). While the exceptions do exist (like in a mental health facility and centers built for autistic children), I wouldn't hold my breath. Most public spaces are not free from the loudness of our world. This is precisely why headphones and earplugs were made to muffle sound. You can find discreet ones online and some kids have them for the purpose of their own mental health. Aside from this, there are other ways to cope. 

Take note of whatever triggers you. If you hate crowds don't go to the Taylor Swift concert or the music festival next door. Stay home. Avoid what you can. I know that isn't always possible, but try to avoid what you know triggers you. Set up your space to be a haven free of triggers. For example, people who reduce stress while reading can put a reading corner in place. If two sources of media playing at once annoys you and your home is full of that (roommates, siblings, house guests) make a zone for yourself free of loud media - away from those people who do that. Headphones go a long way. 

Can't avoid something? Plan ahead. If you need to find a zone to retreat to or talk to people about this, do it. Bring headphones or earbuds. Communicate with your loved ones as much as possible about your triggers. As long as they'll hear you out and understand your issues, they'll probably try to minimize what triggers you. Some might not understand, though, so I'd suggest feeling it out and preparing as you need to. Leave the party as you need to and create the signal for "I have to go home" with anyone around you that you trust. 

Identify safe zones and go back to them when necessary. It might be your car, your desk, your home, your secret place under the stairs...It doesn't matter where it is. Developing routines also helps you deal with it, a routine that avoids those situations ideally. 

Sensory toolkits include (for adults) those discreet earbuds or a pair of noise-canceling headphones, sunglasses, and fidget toys (easily hidden on your backpack or purse for discreet use in public - at least that's what I'd do). If you are afraid to look different, look for all the discreet keychain fidgets and buy some nice, flattering headphones. Also, does anyone really care except you? Probably not. We all fear judgment while walking around our peers. If your headphones look cool on you, not one person will say a word except "great headphones!". 

Deep breathing is a good way to calm yourself. For 3 seconds breath in, 3 seconds breath out, 3 seconds breath in until you can think. Grounding is another option, where you name 5 things you are seeing, touching, smelling, hearing, and tasting (for racing thoughts once your are out of the situation). 

As always, take care of your body and your mind. Eat, drink, shower, destress at home doing what you love, sleep, get exercise... You get the point. Less stress equals, hopefully, less sensory overload. Go do yoga or learn calming techniques if you need to teach yourself to calm down. 

Most of all, say something to a professional when it is happening to you frequently. Whether you need a counseling session or medication, they'll help you or your child get the help needed to live your best life. Kids especially need the extra coping skills taught to them. They haven't built their armor against the outside world like adults have. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


Monday, April 22, 2024

Pushy Sales People - How to deal with it

 I'm getting people on Twitter (X) and Instagram who are advertising services. I have even purchased some services from these people. What we need to talk about is when people get pushy and how we deal with it. 

Courtesy of

While some people understand you aren't just the money they make, others just want a sale - and they want it right now! In my DMs, a good half of the salespeople who reach out are these pushy salespeople. I give credit to those who have not tried to shove me into a sale. Those people might get my money later on (for real, they might). 

Online and in-person are two different problems, though. You see, I can stop responding to pushy people rather easily in my DMs. I can even block pushy salespeople in my DMs. In-person interaction is not as easy to deal with. We'll talk about general advice and what to do when someone is standing in front of you. 

We'll also talk about why pushy sales practices don't work. I have elaborated as to why they don't work. The outcomes are not good.  

Why Pushy Sales Don't Work

If you've ever avoided in-person retail stores because you hate salespeople pushing you into anything, you aren't alone. The number one word in a HubSpot survey about salespeople was "pushy".  HubSpot suggests several things to be a less avoidable salesperson. I'll give you the basic gist, but you can look at the whole thing in my sources (the first link). 

Many of these rules are basic decency, such as letting your prospect off the phone, not messaging repeat messages, and not spamming. Others can be summed up as listening to objections and not saying "but..." in response. It states you should take no for an answer. If you are with a salesperson online or in person who doesn't do this, ask for a new person or leave. Stop interacting with them entirely. Online you have the luxury of blocking them. It's much easier online. At the end of the day, getting a sale comes down to creating a relationship and understanding when to back off. 

I can tell you why pushy doesn't work. Introverts like me will run for the hills and take ten steps back, no matter what you offer and how great it is. Being loud at someone who doesn't want your attention is the worst way to sell something. They might dodge you by leaving the store or ghosting/blocking you. DMs can also be "loud", especially when you spam someone and insist on an answer when they clearly aren't interested. I lead those messages with the fact I'm not a guaranteed sale. Not listening as a salesperson can cost you sales in the future. Pay attention. "I'm here if you need help" goes a long way. Learn from bookstore salespeople. They know what they are doing. 

Mind And Metrics talks about sales tactics that don't work anymore. Online sales have changed the game for many salespeople. We can do the research. We don't usually need help looking up the information (minus a few cases here and there). The first sales tactic they condemn is excessive contact. This is bombarding customers with emails, calls, texts, or messages. Unless someone is actively responding and interested, give them 24 hours before sending anything else. Another mistake is telling instead of asking. So, "you need this" vs "do you want my services?". I don't think I have to explain why this turns anyone off (especially me). Rushing customers will also wreck a sale. I have experienced this personally and no one who rushed me is getting my business. Pushing the most expensive packages in an era where Google is at someone's fingertips is also a mistake. Arguing, interrupting, faking enthusiasm, and selling to the wrong people are not good either. 

What's worse than a pushy salesperson, though? The aftershock of it to whomever they represent - or they block their own success in their small business. Why is that? Let me explain. The tactics you just read about can make someone with no backbone buy something to get a person off their back, but they'll never come back and their word of mouth might deter others. Others may just walk out and report aggressive sales behavior on the internet, where the business takes the blow and a bad review is posted. Like me, others hate the pushy "buy my stuff" attitude and won't suggest or use that business because we don't want to work with pushy people. Too much rude spamming and argumentative behavior will shove clients out the door and bury a business. One bad salesperson might not take it down with them (especially if they are not hired for long), but consistent bad salespeople can take a business and wreck it. Or they can kill off their own business. 

How To Deal With Salespeople Who Get Pushy

The first tip is to ask yourself if they are assertive or aggressive. Assertive will give you more information when you hesitate and ask questions to understand you more. Aggressive will push to get the sale and get frustrated at you, maybe threatening that the discount is for a limited time only. In other words, if they don't accept "no" as an answer, you've got an aggressive one on your hands. 

Secondly, be aware of your emotions. Listen to your instincts. If someone tries to guilt you into a product or feels phony they are playing you. Trying too hard to be your friend is a neon sign. When you buy with a spouse, don't let them separate you and always present a united front. Trying to get one person to agree to a higher price by coaxing them away from their partner is dirty dealing. Don't fall for it. 

Say you are just looking every time. You're not? Too bad. Say it anyway. It sets a boundary right off the bat. "No, thank you" and "No" are phrases you should be able to say to salespeople everywhere. No is a complete sentence. Say it if you're not interested. It saves both you and the salesperson time.

Courtesy of
Also, come there with research (car lots, appliances, big purchases...). Say you have a limited budget in car lots. It helps them not add stuff or suggest add-ons.  Say you don't have time for a sales pitch and create your own time limit. It shuts down what you didn't ask to hear. This is good for car sales, but also for many other areas. Let them know you are open to all the options. On cars, it is also better to finance your own (not dealer financing). Eat before you get there so you don't rush yourself by needing lunch. Again, specifically on cars, visit dealerships towards the end of the month because sales quotas leave no time for long-winded pitches. 

Knowing a real limited-time offer from a fake one is huge. It gives you the power to call their bluff in the store or showroom. If someone dodges questions it is a red flag. Go elsewhere if the questions are being dodged or they refuse to clarify (or make it more confusing). 

Oh, and my favorite thing (sarcasm), artificial deadlines! Don't let them shove you into that. It's a sham. There is no deadline most of the time. Some things are limited time, but if someone claims "you must buy it now!" without giving you time to think it's dirty sales. Insist you need to speak to someone about it or tell them you need time to think in a firm voice. If you need to leave, do so. I'd even advocate the risk of being called a "Karen" and calling a manager. When the manager shows up (or they are the manager),  leave that complaint with their name attached to it. I don't often advocate complaints, but this might actually stop them from being pushy in the future. 

Phone salespeople are never fun, unless you asked for the call yourself. If you didn't, ask to be removed from their call list and hang up. Don't feel guilty about it. Don't prolong the conversation. While you could have fun with them and try to keep them on the line for an extended time, I wouldn't do that all the time. Also, phone calling is exhausting so they might just hate their job (in some isolated cases). Be merciful.

Stall that salesperson. Say you'll come back later. I do this in my messages and ghost them. Many have gotten the hint and others message days later asking for a yes or no. In person is when this is the most effective, as long as you never come back. As a seller at a flea market, this hits differently. Flea markets are full of little vendors and you have to make a decision on what you truly want. Sometimes it isn't pushy people that make customers say "I'll come back"; sometimes you're in a flea market or there are too many options to choose from. But in the case of pushy, this at least gets them off your back. 

Remember commissions exist. Those people that say "oh, but it isn't complete without (fill in the blank)" probably get some money from add-ons. Bring friends for a second opinion when dress shopping and getting cars. Extended warranty anyone? Yeah, they only want the commission. 

Watch your agenda and the agenda of the person trying to sell to you. If their agenda is to get you to pay more than x amount of dollars and you don't intend to, you can push back more effectively once you've figured it out. It gives you control when you know the agendas of who you're talking to. In this case, "no" will be effective. You can then take control and enforce your agenda (for example, the goal to only spend Y amount of dollars in the store). Ask yourself "where will their agenda take me?" or "if I look at exceptions will I see this differently?". Bias shows up everywhere. When you find it you'll save yourself from manipulation. That's a good thing to do in any situation with pushy people.

Repeat yourself. Be a broken record. Avoid "I can't" and go straight to "don't", "won't", and "no". This is hard to do in person. This is easy to do online. I ghost and block online. It gets the job done. In person, though, you have to have that backbone. Say you are not interested in a firm, strong voice. 

Let me add one thing here; they are people, too. Remain calm, firm, and kind. Make complaints if you need to and tie their name to that complaint. There is an option for making them uncomfortable, but put yourself in their place. I know petty is what comes out in some people, but please, don't harass any individuals if you opt to make them uncomfortable. Look them in the eye, say you need them to leave you alone, and move on. It's the higher road. Besides, if they still pursue you can add that to a complaint (tied to their name). This is one situation where "I want to talk to your manager" is appropriate. They can call you a "Karen" if they want to, but it is a power move to talk to their manager and leave a complaint. It might make them stop the aggressive sales tactics. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


15 Bad Habits That Make Salespeople Seem Pushy (And How to Correct Them) (

7 Pushy Sales Tactics You Need to Ditch Yesterday (

Why Pushy & Aggressive Sales Doesn’t Work (And What You Should Do Instead) (

5 Common Mistakes That Salespeople Make (and How To Avoid Them) | by Hasan YILDIZ | Growado | Medium

8 Tips for Dealing with Pushy Salespeople | Mental Floss

15 Genius Tactics for Dealing with Pushy Salespeople - Tesla Tale

13 no bullsh*t ways to deal with a pushy person (practical guide) - Hack Spirit

how to deal with cold-calling salespeople who won't take no for an answer — Ask a Manager

Protect Yourself From Pushy People | Psychology Today

Monday, April 15, 2024

Reading Opinions Explored - Is it okay to DNF a book?

 DNF stands for Do Not Finish. Today we're looking at what everyone says about not finishing the books you pick up and why people don't finish books. 

As I clean up my overstuffed bookshelves I openly DNF books. As I do the read-it-or-unhaul-it challenge I've learned to DNF what I don't like. Today we're discussing what makes someone DNF a book and the pros and cons of doing so. Please note we're talking about leisure reading and not school/work project books. 

Sadly, you can't DNF a book for a school or work project. The best way to suffer through a book you hate is to read the cliff notes first and then skim it. It is easy to find most cliff notes for school book reports because most schools use almost the same novels. It just depends on what is actually online and what isn't. 

When You Should DNF 

Sometimes you aren't sure whether you should give up or not. Is the book going to get better later? Am I just overreacting? Does the plot pick up the pace? Here are some ways you can judge when to stop. 

100 pages is a good landmark to stop if you aren't into it. If you are distracted while reading it is a warning sign. When your social media, other books, or video games outrank the current book in your hand that's your sign. Give it a fair shot when you assess what you think.  25 or 30 percent is another marker you can set for yourself. It isn't for you if you still hate it or are not interested by then. Others say four chapters is a good marker because the stage is typically set by four, even if it starts slowly. 

There are days you need to check your mood and put it back on the shelf temporarily. A heavy book on a heavy day isn't a great idea, nor is a light book when you need something deep to contemplate. Temporary DNFing is fine when you aren't in the mood for something. Come back later. If you still aren't into it on another day, you might want to DNF it permanently. 

 Courtesy of
If you can pinpoint exactly what you don't like about a book it'll give you a better indication of what you do like in books. It means you'll DNF less books in the long run. However, if you can find something you hate in a book and can point to it directly it is a serious gamble to keep going. Keep a list of what you DNF and find the pattern to figure out what you don't like. 

Reading books you hate puts you right into reading slumps. Those aren't fun. Reading should be fun. Don't make leisure reading a chore. Stop reading what you don't want to read. Does it spark joy? Stop if it doesn't. Life is too short to read books you don't enjoy. You only have so much time to read books. If it feels like a waste of time and you want another book on your shelf more, drop your current book and move on. You only have so much time on Earth, so let's enjoy it. 

Is this book a trigger to personal issues? Is it so brutal you can't finish it? Is there a rape scene or other traumatic scenes that trigger your own personal trauma and past? Put it down. If you want to struggle through it that's your choice. If you can't, you can't. No judgment. I couldn't struggle through Game of Thrones. I found out later I wasn't alone in that. 

Do you care about the main character? No? Do you hate the main character? Yes? That's probably a neon sign. Storylines you care nothing about suck in general. I'm sorry, but it's true. Put it down. Donate the book. The same goes for writing styles you hate. The original Sherlock Holmes is insufferable to read through for me. It comes across as Watson feeding Sherlock's ego without question, unlike the modern interpretations that show Watson having a brain. That's a personal example of disliking a writing style. 

Not your genre? That's fine. While there is something to be said for trying new things, if you've tasted it and said "no thanks" you are more than welcome to skip it. Reading new things teaches you what you don't like and like. Go with what you like and love. You'll have more fun. 

Beware the hype! Don't trust all the reviews (authors don't like to tear down other authors most times). If it is from an author you like you're probably safe to proceed. A lot of DNFed books are overhyped books. Read the test chapter. Wait until the reviews add up and look at the average rating of stars. Watch the YouTubers read it and see what happens. Don't jump in immediately. 

When You Shouldn't DNF 

First of all, if you are reading it for a book report or work project forget DNFing it. I'm sorry if you hate it, but go ahead and cliff notes/skim so you don't go insane. Most books have cliff notes. If they don't, find a particularly detailed bunch of reviews. Movies and books differ, so I wouldn't try the "watch the movie, skip the book" method here. Some books, like James Bond and Jurassic Park, are not the same as their movie counterparts. Be careful. 

One con of giving it up entirely (for you can temporarily DNF a book and return to it later) is that you never know the ending. This won't matter to those who don't care about the plot. If you need to know the ending, the book being good or not, you'll most likely keep reading. 

Maybe a book you DNF is not your comfort zone or normal genre. In this case, you might want to give it an honest try. If you hate it, don't pick up the genre again. Or the author again. Or that type of plotline again. The only way to find out if you like it is to try it. Get out of that comfort zone. This is both a reason why people DNF books and a bad reason to DNF a book. Grow as a reader. You might surprise yourself with what you like. 

Some books are harder to read (writing style, a classic) and that's a fact. I'm talking about older English, like The Scarlet Letter. You'll get used to it, but not if you are tired. Read it in sections if you need to. Seriously, don't marathon a book that is hard to read. An audiobook with it might help you, too. Book in hand and being read to does aid your understanding. The Bible is one book you might want to do this with (in Numbers or anywhere you see strange words). 

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Why People Suffer Through It

Some people suffer through something because they borrowed it from a friend or a friend recommended it to them. You trust your friend, right? Well, how could they be wrong about a book? You'll surely not hate the whole thing, right? Well, sometimes they have different reading standards than you do. It's also awkward to say you didn't read it to their face. The peer pressure to take a book you might not like into your library - because it was a gift from someone you love - is strong. You feel pressured to read all of it and be able to talk about the book with your friend. Or tell your friend your opinion. I'm sure your friend won't be offended if you don't like their favorite novel. Trust me. 

Another reason you might suffer through a book you are not into is that you're halfway or part of the way through it, already. Why not finish it when you're 100 pages into a 230-page book? Honestly, if the book is mediocre (and you want to skim the rest out of stubborn devotion), I wouldn't blame you. 

Did you buy it thinking it might be great? Yeah, that's a reason some people suffer through a book. You bought it and now you feel you have to read it eventually. I feel the same way about the Alex Cross (used to collect it, now I don't). If it isn't your thing you don't have to read it. Donate it. Someone else can read it. 

"Maybe it gets better" or "I want a full opinion on it" are tied together because they have the same logic. Both seek to see what is good about the book. Both reasons are valid. Reviewers often have to read it all. While you can review a DNFed book (being honest about when you stopped), professional reviewers usually push through to the end.

Completionism is a real reason to slog through it. You know those people who get all the achievements in games? Those people suffer through to the last page. They are wired to complete it.

Gleaning new information about a topic is another reason you'll see people hang in there. Sometimes nerds and geeks want all the lore. This means not every book is your jam. Maybe you just want the backstory of a character in a series like FNAF. Needing the knowledge of it to teach it or converse about it goes hand-in-hand with the idea of gleaning lore. Sometimes we have to talk about it and need the lore to do that. 

Lastly, there is a portion of books that have good endings and bad beginnings. Or the book just starts slow. Sometimes you have to push past some genus and species of fish (Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea) or a long portion of history about Waterloo and Nuns (Les Miserables). You might get a long description of the Notre Dame Cathedral (Hunchback of Notre Dame). Many books have slow sections. When they are worth it you'll thank yourself. 


All around the book community and reading community you'll find that it is okay to DNF books. You are a reader no matter how many you do or don't finish. Trying stuff out is also a great way to know what you like. Over time, you'll ideally DNF less leisure reading as you understand what genres and authors you like. Currate that bookshelf to what you love. DNFing also doesn't mean the book is bad every time. Not every media is made for you. This is why we donate and give away books if they aren't damaged irreparably or have mold. 

DNFing is also a great way to find what you hate and don't want to own. This helps you waste less money on books you don't like. Bookstore purchases should be what you love. If you need to check it out on the library app or at the physical library building, do it. I'd highly suggest testing before buying. My own book is in the library system if you are inclined to do that with my novel, Wrenville. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


When It's Time To DNF a Book and What To Do Next | Book Riot

Should You DNF A Book? Pros and Cons To Consider! (

Is It Okay To DNF A Book? DNFing Books Explained - What We Reading

The Reader's Dilemma: When to DNF Books | For the Joy of Books

Why It’s Completely Okay to DNF a Book - Cozy Critiques

The Art of DNFing: When and How to Abandon a Book - The Bookish Mom

Why do people force themselves to finish af book? : r/books (