Monday, July 22, 2024

What would happen in a zombie apocalypse today

 Just for fun (I don't actually believe it'll happen) I'm devoting a post to what could theoretically happen if the zombie apocalypse hit right here, right now. We'll assume the zombies have the same ability as the humans here. Buckle up and prepare your shelters!

Courtesy of Pinterest - from the movie Shaun of the Dead

First, what we assume to be true must be established. We're not at World War Z or old movie zombie speeds. Let's assume and establish the zombies in my scenario can move at the speed of a real human - not at supernatural speed or unearthly slow. Second, let's assume people behave like they do today. We don't idealize the nature of humans here. We know people can and will shove others down to live. It depends on who we are talking about. As a coworker pointed out, any emergency or crisis can cause similar results to the zombie apocalypse, minus a few zombie hordes here and there. 

Where you live

The overall picture of city life vs country life comes into play. We have distance between houses out in the rural areas, as well as farms that people live on. In the city, though, we have lots of people crammed in buildings and living on top of each other - typically depending on the grocery store (though country people do, too). It'll look different wherever you live. It may even touch the rural areas only later on (like the depression did). 

Another aspect of city life is a lack of gun ownership. Why should you care? Because rural folks have more defense and less chance of dying via zombie. When everyone owns a gun you'll live longer. Think on that. Your city folks that carry are better off, too, but only if they can make it past their apartment building doors and survive their neighbors. One's willingness to shoot something is something to consider, along with the ability to even use a gun. 

Courtesy of istock
Communities in both areas can band together to survive either way. The country is probably where you want to be, though. The reason is food supply and distance between homes. You may need to take a few trips to town, but the farms can provide supply for a short time, depending on how large they are. The more self-sufficient you are the better. Cities that require you to survive the street zombies to reach your food supply give you a lower percentage of survival. Zombies also have to travel longer distances to reach homes, and even then most rural homes have guns somewhere. I predict that if it ever happened cities would become death traps. 

Social media and other news sources

It'd be all over the internet in hours. We all know this. Mass chaos would ensue. Work? Who cares? I'm not risking my neck. The world would lock down and come to a standstill. No one would want to leave their homes and many would not answer doors. Guns would be placed in prominent places all over the homes of anyone who wished to live. 

The stores. Oh, the stores. If you thought Covid was bad...Stealing and a mad rush to buy supplies to last you weeks and months would ensue. Supplies would run out. You'd be fighting for baked beans and bread. I imagine we'd all be running for gun ammo, too. It'd be an awful mess. The zombies would probably swarm the stores later on. Not only do you need more food, but you'd also risk zombie status going into town. Would anyone even be manning the store? Maybe not. Think Fallout. We might be building bunkers. 

Social media brings out the worst in some people. It can make someone do something stupid, or step out onto an unsafe ledge to do a selfie. You've probably seen the woman who hung off a building by her friend's hand to get a cool picture. That's a real scenario and not fake at all. Some have died for the selfie on the ledge. It's not a joke to do that. In this way, social media challenges and the need for a selfie might kill people who want the zombies in their pictures. One second of a selfie could kill you. If I did write this concept in a story form this would definitely be in the storyline somewhere. 

Courtesy of Facebook

The elderly and weak

I work at a nursing home kitchen. What would happen to the elderly? It's a real question. I think some staff would stay and defend, but I really do think some people would bail. Elders of the community would die of medical care neglect and zombies. I also think confused residents would die faster than the ones who were only physically weak. They'd wander out and be eaten faster than anyone else, with the exception of infants and young kids. And suicidal individuals who walk out into zombie hordes to die. I know that sounds dark, but if you really did want to die it's the same concept as walking into the desert without water (which people do all the time). 

Courtesy of Revista

Physically weak anyone would die faster. Who are we kidding? Can't walk without help? Better hope you can be carried. Blind? Dead faster than your white cane hit the zombie's foot. People are selfish. You could be injured trying to escape and die when someone tramples you to live. Any medical condition like diabetes could kill you. Medical supplies would be hoarded like food. Young or old, if you need medication to live you could die of medical need before you even get attacked by a zombie. Hospitals could have flighty staff, too. Any care facility can have staff who bail on their people. 

Doomsday preppers

We know these people can be prepping bunkers. Some have bunkers and some places had bunkers from the fifties already on the property, including a hotel with a bunker in West Virginia (prepped so the gov't could still run while down there). These people will be fine. Anyone they take in will be fine. Whatever they were prepping for aside (from Russians to liberals to people who did prep for zombies), you can't deny some people will go underground and emerge from their vaults after this blows over. And the population is much lower. 

The average population might not be doing this. Some will laugh like they saw Noah prepping the ark with no bad weather in sight. Yet, to be a Noah is good here. You'll have a higher chance of living after all this. And probably your neighbor's yard and property when they die. Again, dark, but realistic. 

Places to gather

Where you'll likely find the people who reach out to help is the church and relief organizations. Places like this are built to help people, worked by people with big hearts. People who care about other people will stay. There will certainly be more praying. It stands to reason that places with extra food will be sought out. Churches were deemed essential during Covid. Why would they not be in this scenario? People would want to know what is going on and seek answers. If the Zombie apocalypse isn't a call to cling to God with reckless abandon, what is? 

Any building with supplies is a neon sign for people to come. Really, that's the truth. People banded together can survive together. Churches are just one example. Community centers can be like this, too. Depending on the risk and how many zombies there are, you could all meet to make a community plan. Small towns where everyone knows everyone would likely do this. 


Going anywhere is suddenly dangerous. You need to check with someone in the area to ensure you don't walk into a newly-swarmed town and die. Keep your toddlers and infants in your arms and on leashes. If you don't keep an eye on those kids they might be zombies later on. Getting gas will be vital. Charging your car will also be vital. Don't get stranded. Depending on where you are, it's possible you don't have someone near enough to pick you up. The only problem with cars is their sound. 

Walking any distance is a peril in this scenario. Biking might be better, but only if you have no car. A lockable car is far safer than walking out in the open. I imagine most people carry weaponry in this present scenario. Be sure you have a backpack of supplies and only what you need. Cars can carry more than a person on a bike.  

Stranger danger will be a real problem in your travels, depending on where you are. If everyone has a weapon, it stands to reason that unstable people are out there using it on more than just zombie hordes. Serial killers have historically taken advantage of war-torn places. There are friendly people willing to help, but there are also the desperate and crazy. You take the gamble when you greet a traveling party. It's on you to feel out whether you can sit around a fire with them or you need to move on. Maybe you need to run whenever they come within your sight range. 

The Aftermath

Alright, everyone, let's calm down. Once the virus has passed and the zombie horde has been eradicated (or at least trapped and under control) we need to restart society with the living members left. We have to get the doomsday preppers out of their cellars, find the survivors, and get some law and order back online. That'll take months. The first step is sending the safety signal to those that hid in their homes the whole time. You do that and maybe some will crawl out immediately. Others will wait a few weeks to ensure this isn't a trap. 

Finding survivors requires a party of people willing to do double-duty. Our posse is also our law and order. I'm assuming society is lawless right now. Some areas might have control due to military and police presence (cities mostly), but out in the country we have less of that. The posse or posses must be willing to lay down the law like the old marshals used to. Rescue workers might step up for this job. They'll need to bring medical experience with them to succeed. Between medical workers and law, the posses'll easily be formed. 

Towns and buildings'll need some TLC after all this chaos. Putting towns back in shape is a major task. This'll take months, too. Depending on who's left, some places could have multiple abandoned homes and a lower population compared to the number of built homes. Also, factories and powerplants are currently not being worked and no one should go into one without caution and the protection of chemical-proof clothing. Radiation is not harmless. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have 5 five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback, hardcover, or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.

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