Monday, November 27, 2023

Ooblets - starting tips

 I am going to buy Ooblets one day and have decided to do my research on starting off on the right foot. Join me in finding the best hints and tips for this game. 

Courtesy of Wallpaper Cave

I have watched someone play this, but not as much as other games. Today I'm depending on all my sources to tell me what is important. Ooblets is a farming game that involves little creatures, and these creatures do dance battles. It is adorable and I want it. I have patiently waited for Steam to have it. Now that they do, I want to know how to start off on a good note. 

Energy and materials

What I did see on my playthrough is that energy is quickly spent. It is best to drink beanjuice and take power naps (as the game allows you to nap or sleep until morning). Stay fed.

Oobsidian is something you should keep early on in the game. Clothlets are also needed items. Shells are on the beach. You should pick them up, but make sure you sell only some and not all of them. 

Items in homes are waiting to be found. Look for a twinkling/sparkling on furniture. 

I'd pick up a fanny pack (must be equipped) and a treasure chest first opportunity, for storage. Give yourself those inventory upgrades. Get a fridge, too. 

Ability to sprint is tied to energy you have, but doesn't use energy. 

Save spicy peppers. It can be used for making hotdogs, which is useful for an order. Green fruit trees are good for making tartes later on. 

Dance battles and crops

You'll want to have Hype cards and avoid Fluster cards. The more Hype you have, the better. Vary your ooblets, too. It gives you a variety of dance moves to play with. 

You can get sprinklers and an Oobcoop (which has your ooblets help your crops that touch the coop). You should do that. It saves a lot of time and energy. You'll need rainplops (found on rainy days only) to make a sprinkler. Find the best model before you build it. 

Using speedy grow and speedy grow pro you speed up crop growth. Using stay soggy will keep the ground wet. 

Have a variety growing. To challenge ooblets to dance battles you need that variety. They also give you gummies, which you need to keep your wallet full. Set aside a budget for seeds. Be sure to grow sweetberries, muz, and clothlets early on.

Make sure you clear your farm. It gives you a bounty of resources. Don't get lazy and just leave it. You need it. 

The town

In town there is a fabricuter used to craft items from blueprints. Don't bother making a crunchster because you get one in the mail. 

Recipe pieces are scattered about. When you find them all combine them right away. That's one more thing that you can make. 

The ooblet research project is worth you time. Have Rugnolia scan your ooblets. She'll give you 50 gummies for normal ooblets and more for gleamy ooblets. 

A reconstooter in town makes bait for you. Put trash cans in it, 10 per 1 bait, and then go fishing. Fishing requires no extra skill. Go fishing. It is worth your time. It takes no extra stress. 

There are many quests and tasks in town you can complete. It benefits you (and friendships you have in the future) to fix the printypress. Accept bulk orders from Plenny for gummies.

Friendships make a difference here. The hankerbot (once unlocked) can give you some help in finding what people like. You should talk to the people daily. They give good gifts. 


Work on one or two things a day. The game encourages you to slow down and take your time. The one playthrough I saw confirms this. You need to sleep as a character. You can't just madly go about doing everything all day. 

The wildlands and dance barn are great places to check out. You restore the preserve (wildlands) one task at a time. The dance barn unlocks and then gives you dance tournaments daily. You know the reward for winning already, so don't miss the tournaments giving out valuable prizes. The hot air balloon is worth unlocking as soon as you can. 

Check buildings for club coins and lost ooblets. Lost ooblets like to hide in buildings. You are tasked with searching for them often, so look inside places. 

You open your store once a day only. After unlocking that feature, you can now sell your stuff in your store. Sell whatever you want, but be aware the desired item of the day will go better for you. Have what you want to sell ready before you open. If you opened already just let it be. You can't reopen until the next day. 

Most of the tasks are not time-sensitive. The long list of tasks for today don't need to be done yesterday. We have established the game wants you to slow down, so you can in fact pace yourself. Only two things are time-sensitive, and those are ooblets (what is available daily) and challenges. 

Start with the Tinstle tasks when you begin. They unlock areas and features for you. Along with that, go searching for ooblets like you search for Pokemon. There are three rarities for each kind. You want many to dance battle with. Some need a party of five to be collected. The last focus should be expanding your farm and getting your resources. Buy seeds that are on sale (especially muz, beet, and clothlets). Hoard everything. Paint is apparently a great option for improving your farm. Focus on the hall and the tower quests first for a good start.

Wishies are spent at the wishing well. You get wishies by completing badges or daily tasks. They yield great reward for you. Go for permanent upgrades first. Eventually, you get more stamina here. Upgrade Plenny's for bigger orders. 

It is wise to take a lap around town for resources. Make sure you set your cooking station to pull items from nearby storage if you want that option. Keep a supply of food for yourself to make sure you have energy. 


You get a choice at the beginning. What ooblet club you choose doesn't limit what you can have later on. Below is what each club gives you. This is just you picking a starter ooblet (much like a starter Pokemon).

Frunbuns - Tud, who increases hype
Peaksnubs - Bittle, who steals opponent points
Mossprouts - Shrumbo, who higher number of points for a low cost
Mimpins - Sidekey, who allows the next card to play twice

I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have four five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


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