Monday, October 9, 2023

BookTubers 101

 I have gotten into watching BookTubers (people who focus entirely on book-related content) on YouTube. I have taken on some of their lingo and challenges as time has gone on. Some of their terminology will leak into my blog posts, thus I find it a great idea to inform you of what their lingo is and what their reading challenges actually are. 

BookTubers are YouTubers who focus entirely on books in their content. They review hyped-up books, do reading challenges, talk about what they've read, talk about unhinged books they've endured for the sake of making content, and generally just talk about books. Fun, right? I like it. 

What might leak into my blog content is their lingo. Today we talk about what the reading challenges are and what their terminology means (for those of you who don't watch people talk about books in your spare time). I'll also put some videos of BookTubers I enjoy in the post itself. 

What you'll see BookTubers post most often are reviews, TBR intentions and how they did, unboxings, reading challenges, and bookshelf tours.  

The Dictionary

Here we have many terms used by BookTubers, all of which are defined for you. The next section will cover the challenges themselves. 

TBR - To Be Read pile or list, mostly used as a goal to reach by the end of the month or year 

Courtesy of Bookstr
Pile of shame - Most define this as books started but never finished

Unhaul - "Get rid of" is the best way to reword this. This could mean donating, passing it to a friend, selling it to a used bookstore, or (if it is truly not worth giving to another human) literally throwing it away. Rarely do readers throw books in trash cans. 

Haul - This is picking up a book in any form, from bookstore shopping to getting it from a friend. There are whole videos devoted to showing off one's "haul".

Bookternet - The whole network of reading-related internet content

DNF - Did Not Finish, usually referring to a book that was not an enjoyable read or was too hard to understand and get into.

ARC - Advanced Reading Copy, which is a copy of a book sent out before the actual release date

Reading Slump - When you lack the will to read or you read slower than usual, often happening when you've forced yourself to read something you didn't enjoy or you burned yourself out on an author or genre

Shelfie - a selfie of only your bookshelf, organized by color, series, or theme quite often

Wrap-ups - put simply, how they did on their TBR or what they read in the last month or year or week

Mid-year or Mid-week freak out - This could be renamed "how I'm doing on my TBR". The freak-out part is, more or less, only there because a lot of people put more on their reading plates than they can consume. 

The Challenges

Here are all the challenges (that I know of) that most BookTubers have taken on in their content. Again, these are defined for you. 

Read it or unhaul it - I have done this one. It is basically "read it or get rid of it". Most of the time they pick a book or three at random in order to truly weed out what they don't want on their shelves. 

24-hour reading challenge - This is self-explanatory. The person reads a book or two or three for 24 hours. 

Readathon - Think Marathon but with reading. You read for an extended, set period of time. 

Any book award list - You take the list of books that were nominated/won the award and choose your next few books from this list. There are many award lists to choose from. 

The Rory Gilmore challenge - Online you can find the list of books the TV character Rory Gilmore has read in the series Gilmore Girls. Basically, try to read as many as you can. 

TBR knockout - Tackle all the books on your TBR that you own.

TBR - you make a plan to read a list of books you picked out for yourself by the end of the year or month 

Classic reading challenge - Read at least one classic book a month.

Finishing the series - Literally, just finishing the series that you have started already. 

At this point, I'm leaving you with this link that leads to a whole comprehensive list because there are so many reading challenges you can pick up. I may pick one up next year and see where it leads me, probably the series one. The ones listed above are ones I've seen BookTubers do often. 


I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have four five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page. 

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


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