Monday, July 3, 2023

beauty tips that cost nothing

When I say beauty tips, I mean you don't have to get your wallet out for anything. These are things you can do with no product.

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Today is a day for a light topic and a good time. I found tips and tricks that cost nothing to do. Some of it should be common sense and a few things are little hacks that save you from running to the store. Most of them have to do with your skin. 

Common Sense

Taking care of yourself overall is the first thing we should note. Everything is connected to everything else (mental and physical), so having good habits and health are at the top of the list. Drink water, eat meals...etc. On this list we find sleep is vital. Please sleep. It will not be good if you don't. It is also vital to manage stress and exercise. 

Not smoking is great for you. I think we were taught this from a young age. Unfortunately, many people do smoke. It was found in a 2012 and 2022 study that wounds heal slower and skin cancer happens more often in smokers. Avoiding smoke, in general, is suggested.

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Sunscreen this summer is highly suggested. The sun does damage out on the beach and we should be using it. It is recommended to be put on every two hours. UV rays are out there. They do impact you. On a completely related note, we should be seeking shade and covering our skin with clothing during the hottest hours of the day. 

Avoid using harsh products on your skin, unless prescribed. I think we've all seen some proof that harsh chemicals do damage, yet we still put on lots of hair products and skin products. It's better to use less soaps with sulfates and less products with harsh ingredients.

We've heard 'don't touch your face' all pandemic, but it truly does matter. There is an acne form caused by pushing more oils back into your skin and friction on your face. Don't skin pick. It isn't good for your face. 

We have a professional's opinion saying we need to remove all our makeup from our faces at the end of the day. Don't leave it on your face until morning. It causes blemishes. 

Not So Common

Sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase is suggested because you can cause wrinkles while sleeping. It also helps your hair be less frizzy to sleep on satin or silk. I don't think many people know this. People with frizzy hair should try this. 

Knowing your skin type is a good idea. Knowing what your skin likes and doesn't is even better. Based on your experience, you find what does and doesn't like your skin. Keep that in mind for the future.

Wash makeup brushes. I know not many of us actively do this one. Many of us even keep expired makeup and use it for years after. It can cause more acne and breakouts. Wash the brush that puts makeup on your face and go through that makeup every two years or so.  

I have bad news for all those people who love hot showers (me); it doesn't help your skin. Short showers are helpful in hot water, but doing those long baths and showers we love so much isn't good. We are also supposed to pat dry instead of scrub dry with towels, as well as apply moisturizer afterward. I don't think many of us do this. It is suggested that lukewarm water be used. 

What you eat matters, according to experts. Processed foods are not good for you and natural foods are. Dairy in excess isn't good. Everything is connected. Your skin will care. Sugary foods are also not beneficial.

Smile! No, really, this is the tip. If you want to look younger you should find a reason to smile. Laugh over some dad jokes on the internet. Go spend time with friends. Smile at a child because they're adorable. 

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Proceed With Caution

This section is specifically the ones that involve makeup and hacks. I would be cautious toward any beauty hacks in the world. Some of them don't work. Think before you attempt. If you try it and it doesn't work at all, comment so I can remove it from the blog post. 

Broken nails happen, but you can do something. Cut fabric from an unused tea bag into your nail shape, apply a top coat over it, and file down. 

Your eyeliners or lipliners may break or melt on you. If you notice crumbling you can pop that into the freezer for 15 minutes. That will allegedly fix it. 

Lipstick used as a blush? I know, but hear this hack out. Do it at your own risk. Rub it onto your finger and dab it across the apples of your cheeks for a natural flush. 

Glue sticks can be swiped lightly over your eyebrows (white or clear) and combed out for a feathery soft look. Try at your own risk. 

No pore strips? Easy, let a thin line of Elmer's glue dry on your nose and peel it off. Again, try at your own risk. 

For perfect cat eye, it has been suggested that you place a spoon where you would draw a line and trace it with your eyeliner. This may actually work. 

Forget to buy more shampoo? No worries, try baking soda - at your own risk. Mix it with water and wash with the paste you created, then rinse. You can also use this for toothpaste (which some people actually have done). 

To exfoliate lips you need nothing more than a washcloth and warm water. This is the safest one you could try, in my opinion. 

I wrote a book! I am delighted to say that I have two five-star reviews up on Amazon now, which is amazing. I hope you like it, too. If you're interested in buying a paperback or ebook version go to my website link in this blog or click here to go straight to my Amazon page.

Jack Thomas is running from a past case. He's hiding in Wrenville. Is his past case catching up with him? 

Find out in my first book, Wrenville, a stand-alone suspense novel.


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