Monday, November 8, 2021

Comfort Media

 We watch the same movies and play the same games all the time, but why? We know the ending of our favorite media and consume it over and over despite the lack of surprise. Let's figure out why. 

Photo by Filmic

The definition of comfort media is media that you love to watch over and over. TV show, movie, video game, all goes into this category if you listen to it time and again - especially if you are upset and find it soothing (aka, using it as an escape). Nostalgia has prompted me to re-experience all my Nancy Drew games (a blog in progress that will come later, after I finish Midnight In Salem). Those games are comfort media to me, along with movies that include Scott Pilgrim vs The World and the Minions movie. I have a few more, of course, but it is a long list. You have to love it and find it amazing. 

Too Many Choices

Pull up Netflix, Youtube, or any streaming service and you will be overwhelmed by options of new content. They do gear it toward your preferences, yes, but decisions on what to chill to will generally sway to what you know is good. Stressed students will rewatch Friends or an anime because they don't want to think. I watched quite a lot of Friends and Parks and Rec between studying. When you have so much to decide from that it takes five minutes to scroll through, I'd say we might have too much of a choice. This means we find what we like and stick with it. It is just easier. 

Photo by Quickmeme
I will say this; media has gotten better at filtering into preferences. Youtube will feed you videos you should like, as well as any streaming site you subscribe to. Given that, we are less overwhelmed by choices nowadays but likely will only take two seconds to choose a show. The same concept still applies. If we want to fill the silence in our dorm room, office, or home we take two minutes at most to pick something. Unless we want something new, it is not likely we take much time to look all the way down the page. 


Christmas tradition says that my family and I rewatch It's A Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story every year. This is one major reason that people love to consume the same media. Your traditions on Halloween, Christmas, Easter, or any holiday feed into your comfort media. Hot cocoa, a blanket, and some Christmas cookies make Jimmy Stewart and Bedford Falls real nostalgic. I'm sure you have your own traditional films for different occasions. This fits into comfort media. TV stations rerun the holiday classics all the time. 

A Sense of Order and Familiarity

When you know what is going to happen there is lower stress. You also feel a sense of control. Familiar anything helps us unwind. At the time in our lives when nothing makes sense, our favorite games and media allow us to escape into a world that does make sense. You know what is coming, when it comes, and what you have to do to finish the game. Your beloved characters don't change. It is a comforting thing to temporarily be in a universe where you know what is going on. It gives you an illusion of control. We like control and do what we can to keep it, such as watching comfort media.

Photo by Pinterest
On top of this, stressed students and working adults don't want to think after a long day of class/work. Familiar movies, music, and games take less effort to process. It is not stressful if you have seen it ten million times and use it for background noise (game playthroughs work like this for me). I have noticed that a silent workspace or apartment becomes unnerving after a bit. Many people will have some media playing just to fill the silence. Due to the concept I described before and the need for something to end the quiet oddness, they pick an old favorite and let it play. 

Memories are strong. Nostalgia and how you felt about something way back when influences what you choose to take in. I'm still not really into playing Curse of Blackmoor Manor after seeing the nightmare scene when I was ten. White Wolf of Icicle Creek, on the other hand, is my favorite game ever, as well as Waverly and Treasure in the Royal Tower. Long story short, nostalgia plays a major role in what is familiar to you, which feeds right into traditions. That also feeds into what you like in media. 

Disruptive Environment

Why this? Because people or kids who interrupt your TV show every so many minutes don't truly allow you to enjoy a new TV show or movie for the first time. In specific places, you may just put in something you know backward and forwards. When they interrupt (inevitably) you still know what is going on. This goes double if everyone is talking over your media. In fact, you may want to save your new videos to watch later and go somewhere else if this is that bad. 

Photo by esmeme
If you focus in on your media this is even worse. Grab headphones. Go find the most uninhabited corner of the house. In complete seriousness, you can even drive to a coffee shop (where no one bothers anyone). Should this be the reason you only watch the same things over again, I am so sorry. I hope you have your driver's license and a car, or at least a friend who can lend you their space. I feel for you. There is no shame in visiting your local coffee shops and libraries. Coffee and tea with a movie is good. Librarians love you and will help you find a new movie, should you desire one. 

Parents, you are truly trapped. I am not a parent, though I plan to be one years in the future. I know I will have less choice in what is on the TV or playing in the house. I don't have a solution for you at this time. I am so sorry. Other than staying up late and sending the kids to a relative for an evening, I'm pretty dang sure you can't just run to the library or coffee shop, not unless Grandma and Grandpa are over. If a solution comes to me I will devote a blog to it. 


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