Tuesday, August 24, 2021

gamers during the pandemic

 It might not surprise you that gaming during the pandemic is a popular option - since we were all confined to our houses for a good long time. Has it helped us or hurt us? Let's find out.

Photo by IndieWire

Most gamers are not isolated and living in their parents' basements, so if you assumed they are antisocial you are wrong. Online games and Facebook groups centered around video games are connecting people into life-long friendships. There are also different consoles and PC styles to choose from in the video game world. Wii and VR will actually give you physical activity and action. To assume laziness is also incorrect. The ability to sit and relax in a fantasy world for a short time to destress is a benefit to those who enjoy this hobby. For those who have trouble socializing in person, online games and Discord servers make it easier to converse and make friends with fellow gamers and those with similar interests. 

Speaking of servers and online gaming, some people used these to hold parties and weddings, as well as classes. Seriously, you could use discord for classes. Online systems became ways to revamp education (which may have worked for only a small fraction of students, but we all know education was thrown a monkey wrench). Digital communication, though it in no way takes the place of physical contact, was the only way to create community during the lockdown. Gamers had the edge to keep in contact with close friends while other people clawed their walls in frustration (metaphorically, I hope). 

Popular Online Games

Photo by Polygon.com
The games that did this the most were Animal Crossing, Super Smash Brothers, Minecraft, Discord servers, Roblox, VRChat, and Fortnight. Some YouTubers even did some hilarious videos about their online friends. YouTubers have been replaying old games and posting their playthroughs online all during the pandemic lockdown and even now. I can even link to some channels at the end to show you. 

I know some people are skeptical of DnD (Dungeons and Dragons), but it really is just a storyline-building game that people play in person or over chat apps like Discord. You build a character, have a narrator lead the game (the Dungeon Master or DM), and play the quest or quests before you. It is not an evil thing to do and is so much fun. It creates a friendship circle that may play future quests again, or just go out for lunch after the lockdown ended. Social lives are built on nerding out over hobbies and playing games of any kind. 

A Gaming Comeback

Look at the YouTubers who game and you will find that they did so more during the pandemic lockdown. Boozy Broads, Nancy Drew Walkthroughs, Vote 4 Holt, Arghlfumph, and several others even helped the Nancy Drew games out financially by replaying them and posting the game playthroughs on their channels. While this small, loyal fandom is not well known, it became a bit more popular during the pandemic as people relived their childhood memories. The Herinteractive game company had more sales because of this downtime people discovered in the shutdown. I'd bet that several other companies found their sales boosted by this odd circumstance, too. Bored people will find ways to entertain themselves. If you look around at the commonly bought items in the world you'll find that game components and systems are getting more attention. 

Photo by Vocal
Reality as an adult doesn't leave much time for video games. A pandemic that gives you a reason not to leave the house unless you go to work (unless you work from home) leaves more time for a hobby you want to pursue. Depending on whether you work full or part-time and if you work from a home office, you can use your mental breaks to play games. Given that the government paid some of you for being off work (practically) it let some people relax into some hobbies. Does that mean you can be lazy and not work when the shutdown is over? Nope, but for a time you got a valid excuse to sit with your DS or PC and chill. The video gaming world got a boost in popularity during this strange, unforeseen situation. 

I will put in a word of warning to those who still want to chill at home and not get back into the work world. Can you game in your spare time? Yes, as long as you get your adult responsibility in balance with your destressing time. If your job is to play and create games, great! That is the exception. If not, you need to keep in mind that the government won't pay your rent forever. I care about my readers and want to make sure you are doing well. Pay your rent and grocery bills. Do your adult stuff. Live well because your family and friends care about you. Live long and prosper! *add meme*

Why Video Games Are Not A Waste Of Time

I want to add this section for the purpose of proving videogames are not mere timewasters when you do have it all in balance. Gaming is a hobby in some cases and a career in others. Some even have sponsors for esports and gaming competitions with cash prizes. If you want to pursue esports, you probably need a second job, but you can still go into gaming contests. It isn't completely without profit. It depends on how well you do and the team that you play in the competitions with.

Another reason it isn't a waste of energy is that stress is everywhere. Games take your focus off your stressful day and into another world for a brief period of time. They even target intelligence and different styles of play. Logic and puzzles? Try Professor Layton mysteries and Nancy Drew games. War and first-person shooters? Try Bond games and Call of Duty. Worldbuilding? Try Minecraft and Sims. You have lots of choices, even games that simulate owning a pet or cooking. Heck, you can even play sports on a PC or Xbox. Find what you want and have fun! It can sharpen your memory and hand-eye coordination skills, too. Team games especially will improve communication skills.

I will note that some games even have educational purposes to them, and still play well. I used to play a Reader Rabbit game where you did math at various levels to get boat parts. It was fun and I loved it. I hated math, yet, I loved that game. Video games are a way to get your kids to learn skills they don't like. Treasure Mountain and Gizmos And Gadgets are great educational games; unfortunately finding computers that play those are nearly impossible. Even if that's true, you can find similar gaming experiences when you take a good look around the internet and do research. Parents, it greatly helps those who struggle with a specific topic and love video games. 

Photo by My Abandonware
There is only one way a game has become a time-waster and that is when you play it despite the responsibilities you didn't take care of. This is when you should step back from it, then do everything you neglected to do before you even touch it. I know that gaming can be an addiction, just like any activity or substance under the sun, so keep the adult tasks and downtime gaming balanced. If you find yourself doing what I just described please catch it quick. I believe in you. Should you need to hide your game system for a week, do it. Otherwise, if you don't experience this issue, you are totally fine. 

Here are the links to the YouTubers I like to watch:






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