Tuesday, September 15, 2020

ghost hunting and Christianity

Ghosthunting and curiosity toward the supernatural are getting more and more popular lately. Is it biblical? Let's dive into that. 

First of all, I'd like to define the term "ghost". The Bible does not use it how we do. It is mostly "giving up" the ghost that you see. Short answer, it doesn't refer to a ghost as a being lingering on earth as a soul without a body. The Bible does not support our use of the word "ghost". It is used only to show someone giving up the ghost, or the name Holy Ghost. Christian belief says that no souls linger on earth - there is only Heaven or Hell after we die. So, we do not seek ghosts in ghost hunting. 

What are you seeking when you hunt "ghosts"? I hate to tell you all this, but you might be seeking contact with a demon. The use of seances and ouija boards as party games is not anything new to our society - look up the victorian period parties for proof - and it was a dangerous thing to do. It never should be entertainment to seek the supernatural or the dead. "Parlour tricks" was a fascination that the victorian era took to like a child to a cookie. (My last source can tell you more about it.) Today this is replaced by ghosthunter shows, that much like parlour games, are often fraudulent and fake. To keep ratings up there are faked hauntings as well as possibly, but not likely, real ones. No ratings and no shows equal no money, so you can understand why they'd fake it, but it is still not okay. 

But I Saw the Haunting On TV!

Ghosthunter shows tend to be fake, and so do hauntings on youtube or TV. If you can rig it, it can be faked. Houdini the magician debunked so many seances that he became famous for it. No one could prove they were a medium to him. What you see often are frauds, frauds making money on the gullible, curious, and desperate. If you are going to go to a medium out of desperation you'll believe anything you want to hear. The psychic on the phone will cost you by the minute to tell you sweet lies and whatever your little heart desires to hear. My point? It is often a false paranormal experience you see on TV. 

"But I experienced one myself!", you say. Well, so have I, but the difference is that I didn't seek it. I just happened to be living in a house that was probably haunted (with three other women who can support that claim). Real experiences are rare, to be completely honest with you. I can tell you all about my awful experiences in that house, truly, and it would be no lie, but you couldn't pay me enough to go do it again. I don't understand why you'd seek communication with the dead or go ghost hunting for fun when it was utterly terrifying to live in a possibly haunted house for one semester. I do have a point to this paragraph and it is this; real experiences do happen whether we invited them in or not. Not all is fraud, but most of the TV shows are fake. 

I will say one more thing on ghost hunting shows. Even I am curious about it. With that, please note that some watch the shows to laugh at ghosthunters and prove they are fakes. I may be one of those people depending on the youtube video and how dumb the ghosthunter acts. If it is clearly fake it is now a comedy in some of our eyes. It may still mess with your head though, so be careful. I have to curb that curiosity, too, so you are not alone.

Side Affects

As said before, a soul doesn't linger on earth, so you may be confronting or seeking demons. This leads to and has a history of messing with ghost hunters long after they stop. Fear issues, demons following you home, possession (should you not have Jesus), oppression by demons, and altogether bad times for all. It is not a healthy obsession. You contact demons and it is nearly impossible to lose them. If you don't want a spirit to follow you home don't go hunting for it. The only exception to the rule is if God told you to confront something and authorized you to do it, thus giving you His umbrella of protection. If unauthorized you can find some nasty surprises in store for you. Do you like being attacked until you are on the verge of suicide or suicidal behavior (it happened to someone)? Then don't open the door, because it has happened to some ghosthunters. 

God has gifted some who are called to exorcise demons and save the demon-afflicted. This is God-authorized. The gift of discerning whether a spirit is of or not of God is given by God. Dive into God's Word for more proof of it. Paul did this. Jesus did this. We are supposed to help and pray over those who need our help, as Christians. God does not say to leave the afflicted to suffer. This is the one loophole you have. God does not say "go see if demons will speak to you for fun" or "go ahead, experiment in the occult"! Read that sentence again and remember it well. 

Spiritual Warfare

In case you don't know and weren't taught what spiritual warfare was, here's a crash course in it. Satan was thrown from Heaven, with all the angels who followed him instead of God, after he tried to take on God. Satan and his demons were angels of God that became fallen angels. Fallen angels are demons now. The goal of Satan is to turn us away from God and thus far, demons are the most likely explanation for "hauntings". 

They wage war in our minds and there are battles we never see, but make no mistake, they happen often. Demons can possess those that don't have the Holy Spirit, oppress any human, and mess with our dreams and perspectives. We fight as Christians with God's truth at every showing of evil. We wear the armor of God (eph. 6:10-18) and call out for and praise God at every opportunity. God has won the war. God fights for us every day, protecting us. Satan has lost and God has won. Read that sentence as many times as you need to. 


All this may have you laughing at me (should you think I'm a looney), or you may be nodding with vigor. Either way, don't mess with the supernatural and never seek it out for fun. If you have opened that door you may not be able to close it. Any contact with the supernatural has to be God authorized, no joke. Fight back against the spiritual warfare you face, absolutely, but don't go where God says you shouldn't. You will be experiencing some unpleasant consequences should you do so. There are several former ghosthunters that can confirm that. 

Deliverance Church Kasarani Zimmerman


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